RNAseq of Leishmania amazonensis

This tree is intended as a re-evaluation of the RNAseq experiments performed using Leishmania amazonensis.


The global configuration variables for this amazonensis analysis are in configuration.html.

Data Input

The initial import of data is handled by: data_input.html. This includes reading the gff file and count tables.

Initial metrics

The first metrics of the data include library sizes, some box plot goodness, etc. This is handled by: initial_metrics.html.

Data normalization

At the current time, this includes every voom/limma/combat invocation, which is a little excessive. It also has some random plots I happened to think of while drinking some tasty beer. data_normalization.html

Batch removal tests

I did a few cursory tests comparing the various batch removal choices. batch_removal_tests.html. At this point, I believe we will go with the combat adjusted data.

Differential Expression calculations

At this point, the final differential expression is performed using limma’s contrasts.fit, eBayes, and toptable. differential_expression.html.


Just for ghicks and siggles, I did a codon adaptation index run. cai.html