1 Messing around


## Loading errRt
## Loading required package: dplyr
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:hpgltools':
##     combine
## The following object is masked from 'package:Biobase':
##     combine
## The following objects are masked from 'package:BiocGenerics':
##     combine, intersect, setdiff, union
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## Loading required package: tidyr
## Skipping missing files: quantify.r
## Adding files missing in collate: quant.R
## Starting sample: 1.
## Reading the file containing mutations: preprocessing/s1/step4.txt.xz
## Reading the file containing the identical reads: preprocessing/s1/step2_identical_reads.txt.xz
## Removing any differences before position: 24.
## Before pruning, there are: 1156535 reads.
## After position pruning, there are: 1037310 reads.
## Removing any reads with 'N' as the hit.
## Before N pruning, there are: 1037310 reads.
## After N pruning, there are: 1033703 reads.
## Gathering information about the indexes observed, this is slow.
## Before read pruning, there are: 1742744 indexes.
## After read pruning, there are: 838158 indexes.
## Removing indexes with fewer than  indexes.
## Before index pruning, there are: 1033703 changed reads.
## Before index pruning, there are: 4681501 identical reads.
## After index pruning, there are: 532571 changed reads.
## After index pruning, there are: 3663814 identical reads.
## Gathering identical, mutant, and sequencer reads/indexes.
## Counting by direction.
## Counting by string.
## Counting by reference position.
## Counting by identity string.
## Counting by reference nucleotide.
## Counting by product nucleotide.
## Counting by mutation type.
## Counting by transitions/transversion.
## Counting strong/weak.
## Counting insertions by position.
## Counting insertions by nucleotide
## Counting deletions by position.
## Counting deletions by nucleotide.
## Starting sample: 2.
## Reading the file containing mutations: preprocessing/s2/step4.txt.xz
## Reading the file containing the identical reads: preprocessing/s2/step2_identical_reads.txt.xz
## Removing any differences before position: 24.
## Before pruning, there are: 3421203 reads.
## After position pruning, there are: 1758479 reads.
## Removing any reads with 'N' as the hit.
## Before N pruning, there are: 1758479 reads.
## After N pruning, there are: 1754936 reads.
## Gathering information about the indexes observed, this is slow.
## Before read pruning, there are: 1263564 indexes.
## After read pruning, there are: 694479 indexes.
## Removing indexes with fewer than  indexes.
## Before index pruning, there are: 1754936 changed reads.
## Before index pruning, there are: 5230976 identical reads.
## After index pruning, there are: 874781 changed reads.
## After index pruning, there are: 4834367 identical reads.
## Gathering identical, mutant, and sequencer reads/indexes.
## Counting by direction.
## Counting by string.
## Counting by reference position.
## Counting by identity string.
## Counting by reference nucleotide.
## Counting by product nucleotide.
## Counting by mutation type.
## Counting by transitions/transversion.
## Counting strong/weak.
## Counting insertions by position.
## Counting insertions by nucleotide
## Counting deletions by position.
## Counting deletions by nucleotide.
## Starting sample: 3.
## Reading the file containing mutations: preprocessing/s3/step4.txt.xz
## Reading the file containing the identical reads: preprocessing/s3/step2_identical_reads.txt.xz
## Removing any differences before position: 24.
## Before pruning, there are: 4309681 reads.
## After position pruning, there are: 1564155 reads.
## Removing any reads with 'N' as the hit.
## Before N pruning, there are: 1564155 reads.
## After N pruning, there are: 1561090 reads.
## Gathering information about the indexes observed, this is slow.
## Before read pruning, there are: 887983 indexes.
## After read pruning, there are: 465046 indexes.
## Removing indexes with fewer than  indexes.
## Before index pruning, there are: 1561090 changed reads.
## Before index pruning, there are: 3583390 identical reads.
## After index pruning, there are: 783358 changed reads.
## After index pruning, there are: 3332425 identical reads.
## Gathering identical, mutant, and sequencer reads/indexes.
## Counting by direction.
## Counting by string.
## Counting by reference position.
## Counting by identity string.
## Counting by reference nucleotide.
## Counting by product nucleotide.
## Counting by mutation type.
## Counting by transitions/transversion.
## Counting strong/weak.
## Counting insertions by position.
## Counting insertions by nucleotide
## Counting deletions by position.
## Counting deletions by nucleotide.
## Working on miss_reads_by_position.
## Working on miss_indexes_by_position.
## Working on miss_sequencer_by_position.
## Working on miss_reads_by_string.
## Warning in order(as.numeric(rownames(matrices[[t]]))): NAs introduced by
## coercion
## Working on miss_indexes_by_string.
## Warning in order(as.numeric(rownames(matrices[[t]]))): NAs introduced by
## coercion
## Working on miss_sequencer_by_string.
## Warning in order(as.numeric(rownames(matrices[[t]]))): NAs introduced by
## coercion
## Working on miss_reads_by_ref_nt.
## Working on miss_indexes_by_ref_nt.
## Working on miss_sequencer_by_ref_nt.
## Working on miss_reads_by_hit_nt.
## Working on miss_indexes_by_hit_nt.
## Working on miss_sequencer_by_hit_nt.
## Working on miss_reads_by_type.
## Working on miss_indexes_by_type.
## Working on miss_sequencer_by_type.
## Working on miss_reads_by_trans.
## Working on miss_indexes_by_trans.
## Working on miss_sequencer_by_trans.
## Working on miss_reads_by_strength.
## Working on miss_indexes_by_strength.
## Working on miss_sequencer_by_strength.
## Working on insert_reads_by_position.
## Working on insert_indexes_by_position.
## Working on insert_sequencer_by_position.
## Working on insert_reads_by_nt.
## Working on insert_indexes_by_nt.
## Working on insert_sequencer_by_nt.
## Working on delete_reads_by_position.
## Working on delete_indexes_by_position.
## Working on delete_sequencer_by_position.
## Working on delete_reads_by_nt.
## Working on delete_indexes_by_nt.
## Working on delete_sequencer_by_nt.
##            Length Class  Mode
## matrices   33     -none- list
## normalized 33     -none- list