1 S. cerevisiae annotation data

There are a few methods of importing annotation data into R. I will attempt some of them in preparation for loading them into the S.cerevisiae RNASeq data.

2 AnnotationHub: loading OrgDb

AnnotationHub is a newer service and has promise to be an excellent top-level resource for gathering annotation data.

tmp <- sm(library(AnnotationHub))
ah = sm(AnnotationHub())
orgdbs <- sm(query(ah, "OrgDb"))
sc_orgdb <- sm(query(ah, c("OrgDB", "Saccharomyces"))) ##   AH49589 | org.Sc.sgd.db.sqlite
## AnnotationHub with 7 records
## # snapshotDate(): 2017-10-27 
## # $dataprovider: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/DATA/
## # $species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces eubayanus, Schizosaccharomyces cry...
## # $rdataclass: OrgDb
## # additional mcols(): taxonomyid, genome, description, coordinate_1_based,
## #   maintainer, rdatadateadded, preparerclass, tags, rdatapath, sourceurl,
## #   sourcetype 
## # retrieve records with, e.g., 'object[["AH57980"]]' 
##             title                                              
##   AH57980 | org.Sc.sgd.db.sqlite                               
##   AH59735 | org.Schizosaccharomyces_pombe.eg.sqlite            
##   AH59859 | org.Saccharomyces_eubayanus.eg.sqlite              
##   AH59874 | org.Schizosaccharomyces_cryophilus_OY26.eg.sqlite  
##   AH59893 | org.Schizosaccharomyces_octosporus_yFS286.eg.sqlite
##   AH59899 | org.Zygosaccharomyces_rouxii.eg.sqlite             
##   AH59913 | org.Schizosaccharomyces_japonicus_yFS275.eg.sqlite
sc_orgdb <- ah[["AH57980"]]
## loading from cache '/home/trey//.AnnotationHub/64726'
## OrgDb object:
## | Db type: OrgDb
## | Supporting package: AnnotationDbi
## | ORGANISM: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
## | SPECIES: Yeast
## | YGSOURCENAME: Yeast Genome
## | YGSOURCEURL: http://downloads.yeastgenome.org/
## | YGSOURCEDATE: 14-Jan-2017
## | TAXID: 559292
## | KEGGSOURCEURL: ftp://ftp.genome.jp/pub/kegg/genomes
## | KEGGSOURCEDATE: 2011-Mar15
## | GOSOURCENAME: Gene Ontology
## | GOSOURCEURL: ftp://ftp.geneontology.org/pub/go/godatabase/archive/latest-lite/
## | GOSOURCEDATE: 2017-Nov01
## | EGSOURCEDATE: 2017-Nov6
## | EGSOURCENAME: Entrez Gene
## | EGSOURCEURL: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/DATA
## | ENSOURCEDATE: 2017-Aug23
## | ENSOURCENAME: Ensembl
## | ENSOURCEURL: ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/current_fasta
## | UPSOURCENAME: Uniprot
## | UPSOURCEURL: http://www.UniProt.org/
## | UPSOURCEDATE: Tue Nov  7 21:11:11 2017
## Please see: help('select') for usage information
sc_annotv1 <- load_orgdb_annotations(sc_orgdb,
                                     fields=c("alias", "description", "entrezid", "genename", "sgd"))
## Unable to find TYPE in the db, removing it.
## Unable to find CHR in the db, removing it.
## Unable to find TXSTRAND in the db, removing it.
## Unable to find TXSTART in the db, removing it.
## Unable to find TXEND in the db, removing it.
## Extracted all gene ids.
## 'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns
##             Length Class      Mode
## genes       6      data.frame list
## transcripts 0      -none-     NULL
sc_annotv1 <- sc_annotv1[["genes"]]
##           ensembl genename              alias
## YAL068C   YAL068C     PAU8  seripauperin PAU8
## YAL068C.1 YAL068C     PAU9  seripauperin PAU9
## YAL068C.2 YAL068C    PAU11 seripauperin PAU11
## YGL261C   YGL261C     PAU8  seripauperin PAU8
## YGL261C.1 YGL261C     PAU9  seripauperin PAU9
## YGL261C.2 YGL261C    PAU11 seripauperin PAU11
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                    description
## YAL068C                                                                                                        Protein of unknown function; member of the seripauperin multigene family encoded mainly in subtelomeric regions
## YAL068C.1 Protein of unknown function; member of the seripauperin multigene family encoded mainly in subtelomeric regions; SWAT-GFP and mCherry fusion proteins localize to the endoplasmic reticulum and vacuole respectively
## YAL068C.2                                   Putative protein of unknown function; member of the seripauperin multigene family encoded mainly in subtelomeric regions; mRNA expression appears to be regulated by SUT1 and UPC2
## YGL261C                                                                                                        Protein of unknown function; member of the seripauperin multigene family encoded mainly in subtelomeric regions
## YGL261C.1 Protein of unknown function; member of the seripauperin multigene family encoded mainly in subtelomeric regions; SWAT-GFP and mCherry fusion proteins localize to the endoplasmic reticulum and vacuole respectively
## YGL261C.2                                   Putative protein of unknown function; member of the seripauperin multigene family encoded mainly in subtelomeric regions; mRNA expression appears to be regulated by SUT1 and UPC2
##           entrezid        sgd
## YAL068C     851229 S000002142
## YAL068C.1   852163 S000007592
## YAL068C.2   852630 S000003230
## YGL261C     851229 S000002142
## YGL261C.1   852163 S000007592
## YGL261C.2   852630 S000003230
## [1] 0
tmp <- sm(library(TxDb.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer3.sgdGene))
sc_txdb <- TxDb.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer3.sgdGene

3 Loading a genome

There is a non-zero chance we will want to use the actual genome sequence along with these annotations. The BSGenome packages provide that functionality.

tt <- sm(please_install("BSgenome.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer3"))

4 Loading from biomart

A completely separate and competing annotation source is biomart.

sc_annotv2 <- sm(load_biomart_annotations("scerevisiae"))$annotation
##           transcriptID   geneID
## X15S_rRNA     15S_rRNA 15S_rRNA
## X21S_rRNA     21S_rRNA 21S_rRNA
## HRA1              HRA1     HRA1
## ICR1              ICR1     ICR1
## LSR1              LSR1     LSR1
## NME1              NME1     NME1
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Description
## X15S_rRNA                                                                                                            Ribosomal RNA of the small mitochondrial ribosomal subunit; MSU1 allele suppresses ochre stop mutations in mitochondrial protein-coding genes [Source:SGD;Acc:S000007287]
## X21S_rRNA                                                                                                                                                                                       Mitochondrial 21S rRNA; intron encodes the I-SceI DNA endonuclease [Source:SGD;Acc:S000007288]
## HRA1                                                                                                         Non-protein-coding RNA; substrate of RNase P, possibly involved in rRNA processing, specifically maturation of 20S precursor into the mature 18S rRNA [Source:SGD;Acc:S000119380]
## ICR1      Long intergenic regulatory ncRNA; has a key role in regulating transcription of the nearby protein-coding ORF FLO11; initiated far upstream from FLO11 and transcribed across much of the large promoter of FLO11, repressing FLO11 transcription in cis [Source:SGD;Acc:S000132612]
## LSR1           U2 spliceosomal RNA (U2 snRNA), component of the spliceosome; pairs with the branchpoint sequence; functionally equivalent to mammalian U2 snRNA; stress-induced pseudouridylations at positions 56 and 93 may contribute to regulation of splicing [Source:SGD;Acc:S000006478]
## NME1                                                    RNA component of RNase MRP; RNase MRP cleaves pre-rRNA and has a role in cell cycle-regulated degradation of daughter cell-specific mRNAs; human ortholog is implicated in cartilage-hair hypoplasia (CHH) [Source:SGD;Acc:S000007436]
##             Type length chromosome strand  start    end
## X15S_rRNA   rRNA     NA       Mito      1   6546   8194
## X21S_rRNA   rRNA     NA       Mito      1  58009  62447
## HRA1       ncRNA     NA          I      1  99305  99868
## ICR1       ncRNA     NA         IX     -1 393884 397082
## LSR1       snRNA     NA         II     -1 680688 681862
## NME1      snoRNA     NA        XIV      1 585587 585926
sc_ontology <- sm(load_biomart_go("scerevisiae"))$go
##        ID         GO
## 1 YHR055C GO:0046872
## 2 YHR055C GO:0005829
## 3 YHR055C GO:0016209
## 4 YHR055C GO:0004784
## 5 YHR055C GO:0019430
## 6 YHR055C GO:0005507

5 Read a gff file

In contrast, it is possible to load most annotations of interest directly from the gff files used in the alignments.

## The old way of getting genome/annotation data
sc_gff <- "reference/scerevisiae.gff.gz"
sc_gff_annotations <- load_gff_annotations(sc_gff, type="gene")
## Trying attempt: rtracklayer::import.gff3(gff, sequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo=TRUE)
## Trying attempt: rtracklayer::import.gff3(gff, sequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo=FALSE)
## Trying attempt: rtracklayer::import.gff2(gff, sequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo=TRUE)
## Had a successful gff import with rtracklayer::import.gff2(gff, sequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo=TRUE)
## Returning a df with 18 columns and 7050 rows.
rownames(sc_gff_annotations) <- make.names(sc_gff_annotations$transcript_name, unique=TRUE)
##           seqnames start   end width strand         source type score phase exon_number
## YAL069W          I   335   646   312      + protein_coding gene    NA     0           1
## YAL068W.A        I   538   789   252      + protein_coding gene    NA     0           1
## PAU8             I  1810  2169   360      - protein_coding gene    NA     0           1
## YAL067W.A        I  2480  2704   225      + protein_coding gene    NA     0           1
## SEO1             I  7238  9016  1779      - protein_coding gene    NA     0           1
## YAL066W          I 10091 10396   306      + protein_coding gene    NA     0           1
##             gene_id        ID  p_id protein_id transcript_id transcript_name  tss_id
## YAL069W     YAL069W   YAL069W P3633    YAL069W       YAL069W         YAL069W TSS1128
## YAL068W.A YAL068W-A YAL068W-A P5377  YAL068W-A     YAL068W-A       YAL068W-A TSS5439
## PAU8        YAL068C      PAU8 P6023    YAL068C       YAL068C            PAU8  TSS249
## YAL067W.A YAL067W-A YAL067W-A P4547  YAL067W-A     YAL067W-A       YAL067W-A TSS1248
## SEO1        YAL067C      SEO1 P5747    YAL067C       YAL067C            SEO1 TSS5464
## YAL066W     YAL066W   YAL066W P1766    YAL066W       YAL066W         YAL066W TSS2674
##           seqedit
## YAL069W      <NA>
## YAL068W.A    <NA>
## PAU8         <NA>
## YAL067W.A    <NA>
## SEO1         <NA>
## YAL066W      <NA>

6 Putting the pieces together

In the following block we create an expressionset using the sample sheet and the annotations.

Annoyingly, the gff annotations are keyed in a peculiar fashion. Therefore I need to do a little work to merge them.

## Start by making locations for the biomart data
sc_annotv2[["fwd_location"]] <- paste0(sc_annotv2[["chromosome"]], "_", sc_annotv2[["start"]])
sc_annotv2[["rev_location"]] <- paste0(sc_annotv2[["chromosome"]], "_", sc_annotv2[["end"]])
## Do the same for the gff annotations
sc_gff_annotations[["fwd_location"]] <- paste0(sc_gff_annotations[["seqnames"]], "_", sc_gff_annotations[["start"]])
sc_gff_annotations[["rev_location"]] <- paste0(sc_gff_annotations[["seqnames"]], "_", sc_gff_annotations[["end"]])
sc_gff_annotations[["gff_rowname"]] <- rownames(sc_gff_annotations)
## Now merge them.
sc_fwd_annotations <- merge(sc_annotv2, sc_gff_annotations, by="fwd_location")
sc_rev_annotations <- merge(sc_annotv2, sc_gff_annotations, by="rev_location")
colnames(sc_fwd_annotations) <- c("location","transcriptID","geneID", "Description",
                                  "Type", "length", "chromosome", "strand.x", "start.x",
                                  "end.x", "location.x", "seqnames",
                                  "start.y", "end.y", "width", "strand.y", "source", "type",
                                  "score", "phase", "exon_number", "gene_id", "ID", "p_id",
                                  "protein_id", "transcript_id", "transcript_name", "tss_id",
                                  "seqedit", "location.y", "gff_rowname")
colnames(sc_rev_annotations) <- colnames(sc_fwd_annotations)
sc_all_annotations <- rbind(sc_fwd_annotations, sc_rev_annotations)
rownames(sc_all_annotations) <- make.names(sc_all_annotations[["gff_rowname"]], unique=TRUE)
sc_all_annotations <- sc_all_annotations[, c("transcriptID", "geneID", "Description", "Type",
                                             "length", "chromosome", "strand.x", "start.x", "end.x",
colnames(sc_all_annotations) <- c("transcriptID", "geneID", "Description", "Type", "length",
                                  "chromosome", "strand", "start", "end", "tss_id")
sc_all_annotations[["location"]] <- paste0(sc_all_annotations[["chromosome"]], "_", sc_all_annotations[["start"]], "_", sc_all_annotations[["end"]])

sc1_expt <- create_expt(metadata="sample_sheets/all_samples.xlsx",
## Reading the sample metadata.
## The sample definitions comprises: 28, 18 rows, columns.
## Reading count tables.
## /cbcb/nelsayed-scratch/atb/rnaseq/scerevisiae_cbf5_2016/preprocessing/v1/hpgl0564/hpgl0564_scerevisiae.count.xz contains 7131 rows.
## /cbcb/nelsayed-scratch/atb/rnaseq/scerevisiae_cbf5_2016/preprocessing/v1/hpgl0565/hpgl0565_scerevisiae.count.xz contains 7131 rows and merges to 7131 rows.
## /cbcb/nelsayed-scratch/atb/rnaseq/scerevisiae_cbf5_2016/preprocessing/v1/hpgl0566/hpgl0566_scerevisiae.count.xz contains 7131 rows and merges to 7131 rows.
## /cbcb/nelsayed-scratch/atb/rnaseq/scerevisiae_cbf5_2016/preprocessing/v1/hpgl0567/hpgl0567_scerevisiae.count.xz contains 7131 rows and merges to 7131 rows.
## /cbcb/nelsayed-scratch/atb/rnaseq/scerevisiae_cbf5_2016/preprocessing/v1/hpgl0568/hpgl0568_scerevisiae.count.xz contains 7131 rows and merges to 7131 rows.
## /cbcb/nelsayed-scratch/atb/rnaseq/scerevisiae_cbf5_2016/preprocessing/v1/hpgl0569/hpgl0569_scerevisiae.count.xz contains 7131 rows and merges to 7131 rows.
## /cbcb/nelsayed-scratch/atb/rnaseq/scerevisiae_cbf5_2016/preprocessing/v1/hpgl0570/hpgl0570_scerevisiae.count.xz contains 7131 rows and merges to 7131 rows.
## /cbcb/nelsayed-scratch/atb/rnaseq/scerevisiae_cbf5_2016/preprocessing/v1/hpgl0571/hpgl0571_scerevisiae.count.xz contains 7131 rows and merges to 7131 rows.
## preprocessing/wt/bowtie_out/wt_forward-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 6697 rows and merges to 7131 rows.
## preprocessing/upf1/bowtie_out/upf1_forward-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 6697 rows and merges to 7131 rows.
## preprocessing/upf2/bowtie_out/upf2_forward-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 6697 rows and merges to 7131 rows.
## preprocessing/upf3/bowtie_out/upf3_forward-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 6697 rows and merges to 7131 rows.
## Finished reading count tables.
## Matched 6539 annotations and counts.
## Bringing together the count matrix and gene information.
## Some annotations were lost in merging, setting them to 'undefined'.
##       hpgl0564 hpgl0565 hpgl0566 hpgl0567 hpgl0568 hpgl0569 hpgl0570 hpgl0571  wt upf1
## AAC1       141       90       91      155      351      144      384      120 131   84
## AAC3       236      140      119      253      267      117      326      120 183  245
## AAD10      189      167      183      224      283      132      326       89 178  602
## AAD14      389      262      230      341      375      221      547      148 117  424
## AAD15       94       66       50      104      103       53      125       47   3   32
## AAD16      226      149      140      218      290      152      339      129  80  291
##       upf2 upf3
## AAC1   146  124
## AAC3   250  228
## AAD10  573  480
## AAD14  480  388
## AAD15   70   46
## AAD16  271  259
##       transcriptID  geneID
## AAC1       YMR056C YMR056C
## AAC3       YBR085W YBR085W
## AAD10      YJR155W YJR155W
## AAD14      YNL331C YNL331C
## AAD15      YOL165C YOL165C
## AAD16      YFL057C YFL057C
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Description
## AAC1                                                                                                                                           Mitochondrial inner membrane ADP/ATP translocator; exchanges cytosolic ADP for mitochondrially synthesized ATP; phosphorylated; Aac1p is a minor isoform while Pet9p is the major ADP/ATP translocator; relocalizes from mitochondrion to cytoplasm upon DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004660]
## AAC3                                                                                                                  Mitochondrial inner membrane ADP/ATP translocator; exchanges cytosolic ADP for mitochondrially synthesized ATP; expressed under anaerobic conditions; similar to Aac1p; has roles in maintenance of viability and in respiration; AAC3 has a paralog, PET9, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000289]
## AAD10                                                                     Putative aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase; similar to P. chrysosporium aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase; mutational analysis has not yet revealed a physiological role; members of the AAD gene family comprise three pairs (AAD3 + AAD15, AAD6/AAD16 + AAD4, AAD10 + AAD14) whose two genes are more related to one another than to other members of the family [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003916]
## AAD14                                                                     Putative aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase; similar to P. chrysosporium aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase; mutational analysis has not yet revealed a physiological role; members of the AAD gene family comprise three pairs (AAD3 + AAD15, AAD6/AAD16 + AAD4, AAD10 + AAD14) whose two genes are more related to one another than to other members of the family [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005275]
## AAD15 Putative aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase; similar to P. chrysosporium aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase; mutational analysis has not yet revealed a physiological role; AAD15 has a paralog, AAD3, that arose from a segmental duplication; members of the AAD gene family comprise three pairs (AAD3 + AAD15, AAD6/AAD16 + AAD4, AAD10 + AAD14) whose two genes are more related to one another than to other members of the family [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005525]
## AAD16                                    Putative aryl alcohol dehydrogenase; similar to Phanerochaete chrysosporium aryl alcohol dehydrogenase; ORFs AAD6/YFL056C and AAD16/YFL057C are displaced from one another by -1 frameshift; members of the AAD gene family comprise three pairs (AAD3 + AAD15, AAD6/AAD16 + AAD4, AAD10 + AAD14) whose two genes are more related to one another than to other members of the family [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001837]
##                 Type length chromosome strand  start    end  tss_id           location
## AAC1  protein_coding    930       XIII     -1 387315 388244 TSS5132 XIII_387315_388244
## AAC3  protein_coding    924         II      1 415983 416906 TSS1609   II_415983_416906
## AAD10 protein_coding    867          X      1 727405 728271 TSS5024    X_727405_728271
## AAD14 protein_coding   1131        XIV     -1  16118  17248 TSS6941    XIV_16118_17248
## AAD15 protein_coding    432         XV     -1   1647   2078  TSS108       XV_1647_2078
## AAD16 protein_coding    459         VI     -1  14305  14763 TSS2145     VI_14305_14763
##          sampleid  strain condition batch originalbatch tube cbf5igv upf1igv
## hpgl0564 hpgl0564 yJD1524   wtc_wtu     y             y    A      wt      wt
## hpgl0565 hpgl0565 yJD1524   wtc_wtu     y             y    B      wt      wt
## hpgl0566 hpgl0566 yJD1524   wtc_wtu     y             y    E      wt      wt
## hpgl0567 hpgl0567 yJD1524   wtc_wtu     y             y    F      wt      wt
## hpgl0568 hpgl0568 yJD1525   mtc_wtu     y             y    B     mut      wt
## hpgl0569 hpgl0569 yJD1525   mtc_wtu     y             y    C     mut      wt
##          incubationtime
## hpgl0564        unknown
## hpgl0565        unknown
## hpgl0566        unknown
## hpgl0567        unknown
## hpgl0568        unknown
## hpgl0569        unknown
##                                                                                         genotype
## hpgl0564        wt ade2-1 can1-100 his3-11 leu2-3, 112 trp1-1 ura3-1 cbf5::TRP1 + CBF5 on pRS313
## hpgl0565        wt ade2-1 can1-100 his3-11 leu2-3, 112 trp1-1 ura3-1 cbf5::TRP1 + CBF5 on pRS313
## hpgl0566        wt ade2-1 can1-100 his3-11 leu2-3, 112 trp1-1 ura3-1 cbf5::TRP1 + CBF5 on pRS313
## hpgl0567        wt ade2-1 can1-100 his3-11 leu2-3, 112 trp1-1 ura3-1 cbf5::TRP1 + CBF5 on pRS313
## hpgl0568 d95a ade2-1 can1-100 his3-11 leu2-3, 112 trp1-1 ura3-1 cbf5::TRP1 + CBF5 D95A on pRS313
## hpgl0569 d95a ade2-1 can1-100 his3-11 leu2-3, 112 trp1-1 ura3-1 cbf5::TRP1 + CBF5 D95A on pRS313
##           conc bttotalreads bttotalmapped btleftmapped btrightmapped
## hpgl0564 619.4     27385278      23432324     15438470      11946808
## hpgl0565 629.0     17813593      15224673     10061396       7752197
## hpgl0566 375.4      8973978       7682107      5078415       3895563
## hpgl0567 720.3     23744501      20191005     13457860      10286641
## hpgl0568 440.7     23311126      19999162     13141126      10170000
## hpgl0569 423.5     10683277       9147161      6034715       4648562
##                                                       bowtiefile bt2file intronfile file
## hpgl0564 preprocessing/v1/hpgl0564/hpgl0564_scerevisiae.count.xz    <NA>       <NA> null
## hpgl0565 preprocessing/v1/hpgl0565/hpgl0565_scerevisiae.count.xz    <NA>       <NA> null
## hpgl0566 preprocessing/v1/hpgl0566/hpgl0566_scerevisiae.count.xz    <NA>       <NA> null
## hpgl0567 preprocessing/v1/hpgl0567/hpgl0567_scerevisiae.count.xz    <NA>       <NA> null
## hpgl0568 preprocessing/v1/hpgl0568/hpgl0568_scerevisiae.count.xz    <NA>       <NA> null
## hpgl0569 preprocessing/v1/hpgl0569/hpgl0569_scerevisiae.count.xz    <NA>       <NA> null
if (!isTRUE(get0("skip_load"))) {
  message(paste0("This is hpgltools commit: ", get_git_commit()))
  this_save <- paste0(gsub(pattern="\\.Rmd", replace="", x=rmd_file), "-v", ver, ".rda.xz")
  tmp <- sm(saveme(filename=this_save))
## If you wish to reproduce this exact build of hpgltools, invoke the following:
## > git clone http://github.com/abelew/hpgltools.git
## > git reset 5d8c266e48bb9f73cdac8300e5c7c9f5baf003dc
## R> packrat::restore()
## This is hpgltools commit: Wed Mar 21 15:55:32 2018 -0400: 5d8c266e48bb9f73cdac8300e5c7c9f5baf003dc