Preprocessing Streptococcus pyogenes samples for TNSeq/RNASeq

Copy reads to the working tree

I prefer to concatenate the multiple sequence files into a single file for each sample. This process is however a bit different for rnaseq/tnseq.


cd preprocessing/rnaseq
for i in $(/bin/ls hpgl*); do
  ./ ${i}
## startdir=$(pwd)
## for i in "$@"; do
##   cd $startdir
##   cyoa --task rnaseq --method copyraw --raw_dir "/cbcb/lab/nelsayed/raw_data/ade" --hpgl ${i}
##   cd $i
##   inputs="${i}_forward.fastq.gz:${i}_reverse.fastq.gz"
##   trimmed="${i}_forward-trimmed.fastq.gz:${i}_reverse-trimmed.fastq.gz"
##   cyoa --task rnaseq --method fastqc --input ${inputs}
##   cyoa --task rnaseq --method trimomatic --input ${inputs}
##   trim_id=$(cat last_job.txt)
##   cyoa --task rnaseq --method tophat --input ${trimmed} -s lpanamensis --depends "${trim_id}"
##   lp_id=$(cat last_job.txt)
##   cyoa --task rnaseq --method tophat --input ${trimmed} -s lbraziliensis --depends "${trim_id}"
##   lb_id=$(cat last_job.txt)
##   cyoa --task rnaseq --method tophat --input ${trimmed} -s hsapiens --depends "${trim_id}"
##   hs_id=$(cat last_job.txt)
##   rm last_job.txt
##   cd $startdir
## done


The TNSeq data comes in a rather different format, the reads can not be successfully demultiplexed by the illumina script because the indexes are in fact later in each read. As a result, the cyoa utility has a demultiplexing function. It is able to read a directory of sequence file and a .csv of index sequence to sample mappings. It goes one step further because of problems we have had in previous samples with N’s in the first 8 bases; and therefore attempts to take into account ambiguous heptamers and properly sort them.

Oh, random caveat: the computer cluster has a memory leak which will crash the computer if you try doing this on them, therefore this step is performed on a local workstation: DONT RUN IT ON IBIS OR YOU WILL GET YELLED AT!

cd preprocessing/tnseq/unprocessed/libs12  ## (repeat for libs34)
cyoa --task tnseq --method sort --sample_sheet=tnseq_samples.csv
## This assumes a file tnseq_samples.csv which looks like:
## Except the following example is from the new data, but still.

Once that is complete, the data is ready for adapter trimming via cutadapt etc.

Fastqc (all sample types)

The cyoa tool writes out a script which looks like the following:

## This FastQC run is against rnaseq data and is used for
## an initial estimation of the overall sequencing quality.
mkdir -p outputs/fastqc && \
  fastqc --extract -o outputs/fastqc hpgl0241_forward-trimmed.fastq hpgl0241_reverse-trimmed.fastq \
  2>outputs/fastqc.out 1>&2

Adapter trimming

Trimomatic is the quickest tool for the rnaseq data, while cutadapt has flexibility for the tnseq.


The trimomatic script looks like: It is worth noting that in some cases, the illumina adapter removal results in a java exception. If that happens, rather than lose the data I made my cyoa script re-invoke trimomatic without the illumina clipping. In addition, if things need to be redone, then the sequences may in fact have been moved into the sequences/ directory and compressed with xz -9e, thus the if [[]] at the beginning testing for those files.

## Trimomatic_Pairwise: In case a trimming needs to be redone...
if [[ ! -r "hpgl0663_forward.fastq.gz" ]]; then
  if [[ -r "sequences/hpgl0663_forward.fastq.xz" ]]; then
    mv sequences/hpgl0663_forward.fastq.xz . && pxz -d hpgl0663_forward.fastq.xz && pigz hpgl0663_forward.fastq && mv sequences/hpgl0663_reverse.fastq.xz . &&
 pxz -d hpgl0663_reverse.fastq.xz && pigz hpgl0663_reverse.fastq
    echo "Missing files. Did not find hpgl0663_forward.fastq.gz nor sequences/hpgl0663_forward.fastq.xz"
    exit 1
trimomatic PE -threads 1 -phred33 hpgl0663_forward.fastq.gz hpgl0663_reverse.fastq.gz hpgl0663_forward-trimmed_paired.fastq.gz hpgl0663_forward-trimmed_unpair
ed.fastq.gz hpgl0663_reverse-trimmed_paired.fastq.gz hpgl0663_reverse-trimmed_unpaired.fastq.gz ILLUMINACLIP:/cbcbhomes/abelew/libraries/adapters.fa:2:20:4 SL
IDINGWINDOW:4:25 1>outputs/hpgl0663-trimomatic.out 2>&1
excepted=$(grep "Exception" outputs/hpgl0663-trimomatic.out)
## The following is in case the illumina clipping fails, which it does if this has already been run I think.
if [[ "${excepted}" != "" ]]; then
  trimomatic PE -threads 1 -phred33 hpgl0663_forward.fastq.gz hpgl0663_reverse.fastq.gz hpgl0663_forward-trimmed_paired.fastq.gz hpgl0663_forward-trimmed_unpa
ired.fastq.gz hpgl0663_reverse-trimmed_paired.fastq.gz hpgl0663_reverse-trimmed_unpaired.fastq.gz SLIDINGWINDOW:4:25 1>>outputs/hpgl0663-trimomatic.out 2>&1
sleep 10
mv hpgl0663_forward-trimmed_paired.fastq.gz hpgl0663_forward-trimmed.fastq.gz && mv hpgl0663_reverse-trimmed_paired.fastq.gz hpgl0663_reverse-trimmed.fastq.gz


The tnseq adapter trimming requires some extra flexibility to take into account the read lengths which must be between ~10-16 nucleotides. It is worth noting that there are extra ‘-a’ arguments to cutadapt which attempt to take into account some of the strange apparent PCR artifacts observed.

cyoa --task tnseq --method cutadapt --input file.fastq.gz
## The resulting script looks like
## mkdir -p /cbcb/nelsayed-scratch/atb/tnseq/gasv2/preprocessing/l1t0/outputs/cutadapt && \
##  -M 20 \
##   --too-short-output=/cbcb/nelsayed-scratch/atb/tnseq/gasv2/preprocessing/l1t0/outputs/cutadapt/5448_l1t0_tooshort.fastq \
##   --too-long-output=/cbcb/nelsayed-scratch/atb/tnseq/gasv2/preprocessing/l1t0/outputs/cutadapt/5448_l1t0_toolong.fastq \
##   --untrimmed-output=/cbcb/nelsayed-scratch/atb/tnseq/gasv2/preprocessing/l1t0/outputs/cutadapt/5448_l1t0_untrimmed.fastq \
##  2>outputs/cutadapt.err 1>5448_l1t0-trimmed.fastq


For both the rnaseq and tnseq data, the reads were aligned with bowtie1 against the 5448 genome (NCBI accession: CP008776). Bowtie1 was chosen because all the reads are relatively short (either 50 or ~10 nucleotides). The same sets of parameters were chosen for both the rna and tn data for all the following steps.

cyoa --task rnaseq --method btmulti --input file.fastq.gz
## This generates a set of bowtie mapping scripts, sorted bam conversions, and htseq countings, they look like this:

## bowtie, 0 mismatches tnseq l1t0
## mkdir -p outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448 && sleep 10 && bowtie /cbcbhomes/abelew/libraries/genome/indexes/mgas_5448##  --best -v 0 -M 1  \
##  -p 1 \
##  -q  \
##  --un outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/l1t0-v0M1_unaligned_mgas_5448.fastq \
##  --al outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/l1t0-v0M1_aligned_mgas_5448.fastq \
##  -S outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/l1t0-v0M1.sam \
##  2>outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/l1t0-v0M1.err \
##  1>outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/l1t0-v0M1.out

## Sam->Bam conversion
##samtools view -u -t /cbcbhomes/abelew/libraries/genome/mgas_5448.fasta -S outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/l1t0-def.sam 1>outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/l1t0-def.bam
##samtools sort -l 9 outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/l1t0-def.bam outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/l1t0-def-sorted
##rm outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/l1t0-def.bam && rm outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/l1t0-def.sam && mv outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/l1t0-def-sorted.bam outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/l1
##t0-def.bam && samtools index outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/l1t0-def.bam
##bamtools stats -in outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/l1t0-def.bam 2>outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/l1t0-def.bam.stats 1>&2

## And counting via htseq
##htseq-count -q -f bam -s no  -i ID  -t gene \
##  outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/5448_l1t0-trimmed_ta-v0M1.bam /cbcbhomes/abelew/libraries/genome/mgas_5448.gff \
##  1>outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/5448_l1t0-trimmed_ta-v0M1.count 2>outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/5448_l1t0-trimmed_ta-v0M1_htseq.err && \
##    xz -f -9e outputs/bowtie_mgas_5448/5448_l1t0-trimmed_ta-v0M1.count
### Small caveat, the rnaseq data is in fact stranded, so the -s no is set to -s yes here.