1 Quick aside

This is a rerun of a much older analysis, partially to see if it still works and partially to better document my old work.

2 TNSeq of Streptococcus pyogenes strain HSC5

3 Installation and setup

This is an rmarkdown document which makes heavy use of the hpgltools package. The following section demonstrates how to set that up in a clean R environment.

## Use R's install.packages to install devtools.
## Use devtools to install hpgltools.
## Load hpgltools into the R environment.
## Use hpgltools' autoloads_all() function to install the many packages used by hpgltools.

4 TODO list

The following are some requests I have received and whether or not I think I did them.

  1. Dval report in CDM with/without Asn. (I think I did)
  2. PCA plot including duplicates. (I think I did)

5 TNSeq of hsc5 during infections

5.1 Get the genome

gff_file <- "reference/mgas_hsc5.gff.gz"
hsc5_info <- load_gff_annotations(gff_file)
## Trying attempt: rtracklayer::import.gff3(gff, sequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo=TRUE)
## Trying attempt: rtracklayer::import.gff3(gff, sequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo=FALSE)
## Had a successful gff import with rtracklayer::import.gff3(gff, sequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo=FALSE)
## Returning a df with 15 columns and 1812 rows.
## The following lines are likely replaced by the above
## but will stay here for the moment
annotations_hsc5 <- rtracklayer::import.gff3(gff_file)
annotation_hsc5_info <- BiocGenerics::as.data.frame(annotations_hsc5)
rownames(annotation_hsc5_info) <- make.names(annotation_hsc5_info$locus_tag, unique=TRUE)
genes_hsc5 <- annotation_hsc5_info[annotation_hsc5_info$type=="gene",]
rownames(genes_hsc5) <- make.names(genes_hsc5$locus_tag, unique=TRUE)
gene_annotations_hsc5 <- subset(genes_hsc5, select = c("start", "end", "width", "strand", "locus_tag"))
gene_lengths <- gene_annotations_hsc5[,c("width","start")]
gene_lengths$ID <- rownames(gene_lengths)
gene_lengths <- gene_lengths[,c("ID","width")]
short_annotations_hsc5 <- gene_annotations_hsc5[,c("width", "locus_tag")]

##tooltip_data_hsc5 <- make_tooltips(annotations=hsc5_info, desc_col=c("old_locus_tag","gene"), id_col="locus_tag")

xlsx_writer <- write_xls(gene_annotations_hsc5, sheet="genes")
openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb=xlsx_writer$workbook, file="excel/annotations.xlsx", overwrite=TRUE)

##go_entries_hsc5 = strsplit(as.character(microbes_go_hsc5$GO), split=",", perl=TRUE)
##microbes_go_oneperrow_hsc5 = data.frame(name = rep(microbes_go_hsc5$sysName, sapply(go_entries_hsc5, length)), GO = unlist(go_entries_hsc5))
##microbes_go_hsc5 = microbes_go_oneperrow_hsc5
## These are used for gene ontology stuff...
##microbes_lengths_hsc5 = microbes_hsc5[,c("sysName", "start","stop")]
##microbes_lengths_hsc5$length = abs(microbes_hsc5$start - microbes_hsc5$stop)
##microbes_lengths_hsc5 = microbes_lengths_hsc5[,c("sysName","length")]

5.1.1 Set up the experiments

hsc5_expt <- create_expt("all_samples.csv")
## Reading the sample metadata.
## The sample definitions comprises: 12, 14 rows, columns.
## Reading count tables.
## /cbcb/nelsayed-scratch/atb/tnseq/spyogenes_hsc5_2016/processed_data/counts/run1/thyt0-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run1/thyt1-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run1/cdmwithasn-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run1/cdmnoasn-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run2/thyt0run2-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run2/thyt1run2-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run2/asnrun2-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run2/noasnrun2-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run3/thyt0-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run3/thyt1-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run3/asn-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run3/noasn-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## Finished reading count tables.
## Matched 1812 annotations and counts.
## Bringing together the count matrix and gene information.
##              HPGL0596 HPGL0597 HPGL0598 HPGL0599 HPGL0596b HPGL0597b HPGL0598b HPGL0599b
## L897_RS00005        0        0        0        1        21         2         4         6
## L897_RS00010        0        1        2        0        12        20         9         4
## L897_RS00015       10        0       12       15        20        11        23        16
## L897_RS00020       91       24       26       57      1010      1565      2094      1521
## L897_RS00025        0        0        0        0         1         1         0         1
## L897_RS00030     3523     1707     2947     1236     25280     57446     41772     39227
##              HPGL0596c HPGL0597c HPGL0598c HPGL0599c
## L897_RS00005        26         5        11        12
## L897_RS00010        19        45        25        11
## L897_RS00015        38        55        40        33
## L897_RS00020      2369      2190      1865      1772
## L897_RS00025         1         2         3         0
## L897_RS00030     51103     74479     42698     40760
norm_hsc5 <- normalize_expt(hsc5_expt, transform="log2", norm="quant", convert="cpm", filter=TRUE)
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## log2(cpm(quant(hpgl(data))))
## It backs up the current data into a slot named:
##  expt$backup_expressionset. It will also save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep the libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is the non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Not correcting the count-data for batch effects.  If batch is
##  included in EdgerR/limma's model, then this is probably wise; but in extreme
##  batch effects this is a good parameter to play with.
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: hpgl
## Removing 332 low-count genes (1480 remaining).
## Step 2: normalizing the data with quant.
## Step 3: converting the data with cpm.
## Step 4: transforming the data with log2.
## transform_counts: Found 12 values equal to 0, adding 1 to the matrix.
## Step 5: not doing batch correction.
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse

batch_hsc5 <- normalize_expt(hsc5_expt, transform="log2", norm="rle", convert="cpm", batch=TRUE, filter=TRUE)
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## log2(sva(cpm(rle(hpgl(data)))))
## It backs up the current data into a slot named:
##  expt$backup_expressionset. It will also save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep the libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is the non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: hpgl
## Removing 332 low-count genes (1480 remaining).
## Step 2: normalizing the data with rle.
## Step 3: converting the data with cpm.
## Step 4: transforming the data with log2.
## transform_counts: Found 593 values equal to 0, adding 1 to the matrix.
## Step 5: doing batch correction with sva.
## Note to self:  If you get an error like 'x contains missing values'; I think this
##  means that the data has too many 0's and needs to have a better low-count filter applied.
## batch_counts: Before batch correction, 954 entries 0<x<1.
## batch_counts: Before batch correction, 593 entries are >= 0.
## Passing the batch method to get_model_adjust().
## It understands a few additional batch methods.
## Not able to discern the state of the data.
## Going to use a simplistic metric to guess if it is log scale.
## The be method chose 3 surrogate variable(s).
## Estimate type 'sva' is shorthand for 'sva_unsupervised'.
## Other sva options include: sva_supervised and svaseq.
## Attempting sva unsupervised surrogate estimation with 3 surrogates.
## The number of elements which are < 0 after batch correction is: 782
## The variable low_to_zero sets whether to change <0 values to 0 and is: FALSE
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse

## Run 1 can in no way be compared to runs 2/3
hsc5_expt = create_expt("kept_samples.csv")
## Reading the sample metadata.
## The sample definitions comprises: 8, 14 rows, columns.
## Reading count tables.
## /cbcb/nelsayed-scratch/atb/tnseq/spyogenes_hsc5_2016/processed_data/counts/run2/thyt0run2-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run2/thyt1run2-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run2/asnrun2-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run2/noasnrun2-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run3/thyt0-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run3/thyt1-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run3/asn-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## processed_data/counts/run3/noasn-trimmed-v0M1.count.xz contains 1817 rows and merges to 1817 rows.
## Finished reading count tables.
## Matched 1812 annotations and counts.
## Bringing together the count matrix and gene information.
##              HPGL0596b HPGL0597b HPGL0598b HPGL0599b HPGL0596c HPGL0597c HPGL0598c
## L897_RS00005        21         2         4         6        26         5        11
## L897_RS00010        12        20         9         4        19        45        25
## L897_RS00015        20        11        23        16        38        55        40
## L897_RS00020      1010      1565      2094      1521      2369      2190      1865
## L897_RS00025         1         1         0         1         1         2         3
## L897_RS00030     25280     57446     41772     39227     51103     74479     42698
##              HPGL0599c
## L897_RS00005        12
## L897_RS00010        11
## L897_RS00015        33
## L897_RS00020      1772
## L897_RS00025         0
## L897_RS00030     40760
norm_hsc5 = normalize_expt(hsc5_expt, transform="log2", norm="tmm", convert="cpm", filter=FALSE, batch=FALSE)
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## log2(cpm(tmm(data)))
## It backs up the current data into a slot named:
##  expt$backup_expressionset. It will also save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep the libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is the non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Filter is false, this should likely be set to something, good
##  choices include cbcb, kofa, pofa (anything but FALSE).  If you want this to
##  stay FALSE, keep in mind that if other normalizations are performed, then the
##  resulting libsizes are likely to be strange (potentially negative!)
## Not correcting the count-data for batch effects.  If batch is
##  included in EdgerR/limma's model, then this is probably wise; but in extreme
##  batch effects this is a good parameter to play with.
## Step 1: not doing count filtering.
## Step 2: normalizing the data with tmm.
## Step 3: converting the data with cpm.
## Step 4: transforming the data with log2.
## transform_counts: Found 1649 values equal to 0, adding 1 to the matrix.
## Step 5: not doing batch correction.
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse

## The top two PCs have pretty much the same amount of variance between them
## Thus I think adding batch to the model will be a good thing
norm_hsc5 = normalize_expt(hsc5_expt, transform="log2", norm="tmm", convert="cpm", filter=TRUE, batch=TRUE)
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## log2(sva(cpm(tmm(hpgl(data)))))
## It backs up the current data into a slot named:
##  expt$backup_expressionset. It will also save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep the libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is the non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: hpgl
## Removing 346 low-count genes (1466 remaining).
## Step 2: normalizing the data with tmm.
## Step 3: converting the data with cpm.
## Step 4: transforming the data with log2.
## transform_counts: Found 30 values equal to 0, adding 1 to the matrix.
## Step 5: doing batch correction with sva.
## Note to self:  If you get an error like 'x contains missing values'; I think this
##  means that the data has too many 0's and needs to have a better low-count filter applied.
## batch_counts: Before batch correction, 130 entries 0<x<1.
## batch_counts: Before batch correction, 30 entries are >= 0.
## Passing the batch method to get_model_adjust().
## It understands a few additional batch methods.
## Not able to discern the state of the data.
## Going to use a simplistic metric to guess if it is log scale.
## The be method chose 1 surrogate variable(s).
## Estimate type 'sva' is shorthand for 'sva_unsupervised'.
## Other sva options include: sva_supervised and svaseq.
## Attempting sva unsupervised surrogate estimation with 1 surrogates.
## The number of elements which are < 0 after batch correction is: 30
## The variable low_to_zero sets whether to change <0 values to 0 and is: FALSE
hsc5_pca <- plot_pca(norm_hsc5)$plot
pp("images/pca_two_replicates.png", image=hsc5_pca)
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Very nice

unmodified_metrics <- graph_metrics(hsc5_expt)
## Graphing number of non-zero genes with respect to CPM by library.
## Graphing library sizes.
## Graphing a boxplot.
## This data will benefit from being displayed on the log scale.
## If this is not desired, set scale='raw'
## Some entries are 0.  We are on log scale, adding 1 to the data.
## Changed 1649 zero count features.
## Graphing a correlation heatmap.

## Graphing a standard median correlation.
## Performing correlation.
## Graphing a distance heatmap.

## Graphing a standard median distance.
## Performing distance.
## Graphing a PCA plot.
## Graphing a T-SNE plot.
## Plotting a density plot.
## This data will benefit from being displayed on the log scale.
## If this is not desired, set scale='raw'
## Some entries are 0.  We are on log scale, setting them to 0.5.
## Changed 1649 zero count features.
## Plotting the representation of the top-n genes.
## Printing a color to condition legend.
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse




normalized_metrics <- graph_metrics(norm_hsc5, qq=TRUE)
## Graphing number of non-zero genes with respect to CPM by library.
## Graphing library sizes.
## Graphing a boxplot.
## This data will benefit from being displayed on the log scale.
## If this is not desired, set scale='raw'
## Some data are negative.  We are on log scale, setting them to 0.
## Changed 30 negative features.
## Some entries are 0.  We are on log scale, adding 1 to the data.
## Changed 30 zero count features.
## Graphing a correlation heatmap.
## Graphing a standard median correlation.
## Performing correlation.
## Graphing a distance heatmap.

## Graphing a standard median distance.
## Performing distance.
## Graphing a PCA plot.
## Graphing a T-SNE plot.
## Plotting a density plot.
## This data will benefit from being displayed on the log scale.
## If this is not desired, set scale='raw'
## Some data are negative.  We are on log scale, setting them to 0.5.
## Changed 30 negative features.
## Plotting the representation of the top-n genes.
## Printing a color to condition legend.
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse

## QQ plotting!
## Making plot of HPGL0596b(1) vs. a sample distribution.
## Making plot of HPGL0597b(2) vs. a sample distribution.
## Making plot of HPGL0598b(3) vs. a sample distribution.
## Making plot of HPGL0599b(4) vs. a sample distribution.
## Making plot of HPGL0596c(5) vs. a sample distribution.
## Making plot of HPGL0597c(6) vs. a sample distribution.
## Making plot of HPGL0598c(7) vs. a sample distribution.
## Making plot of HPGL0599c(8) vs. a sample distribution.



## This last one might be new to folks reading this document

## Each of the 8 plots comprise a comparison of the rank-ordered genes vs. the mean of all samples
## The idea is that if one or more are significantly shifted in some way, then those samples are untenably different
## than the rest.  The color from light-blue->dark-blue shows the density of genes at the given normalized(cpm)

6 Fitness analyses

The fitness analyses we have performed are a sort of differential expression bastardization

all_de <- all_pairwise(hsc5_expt, model_batch=TRUE)
## Using limma's removeBatchEffect to visualize before/after batch inclusion.
## Finished running DE analyses, collecting outputs.
## Comparing analyses 1/6: noasn_vs_asn
## Comparing analyses 2/6: thyt0_vs_asn
## Comparing analyses 3/6: thyt1_vs_asn
## Comparing analyses 4/6: thyt0_vs_noasn
## Comparing analyses 5/6: thyt1_vs_noasn
## Comparing analyses 6/6: thyt1_vs_thyt0

## holy crap DESeq2 really doesn't agree with either limma nor edgeR!
## I wonder if this is due to low-count fintering?
low_filtered <- normalize_expt(hsc5_expt, filter=TRUE)
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## hpgl(data)
## It backs up the current data into a slot named:
##  expt$backup_expressionset. It will also save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep the libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is the non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Leaving the data in its current base format, keep in mind that
##  some metrics are easier to see when the data is log2 transformed, but
##  EdgeR/DESeq do not accept transformed data.
## Leaving the data unconverted.  It is often advisable to cpm/rpkm
##  the data to normalize for sampling differences, keep in mind though that rpkm
##  has some annoying biases, and voom() by default does a cpm (though hpgl_voom()
##  will try to detect this).
## Leaving the data unnormalized.  This is necessary for DESeq, but
##  EdgeR/limma might benefit from normalization.  Good choices include quantile,
##  size-factor, tmm, etc.
## Not correcting the count-data for batch effects.  If batch is
##  included in EdgerR/limma's model, then this is probably wise; but in extreme
##  batch effects this is a good parameter to play with.
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: hpgl
## Removing 346 low-count genes (1466 remaining).
## Step 2: not normalizing the data.
## Step 3: not converting the data.
## Step 4: not transforming the data.
## Step 5: not doing batch correction.
low_de <- all_pairwise(low_filtered, model_batch=TRUE)
## Using limma's removeBatchEffect to visualize before/after batch inclusion.
## Finished running DE analyses, collecting outputs.
## Comparing analyses 1/6: noasn_vs_asn
## Comparing analyses 2/6: thyt0_vs_asn
## Comparing analyses 3/6: thyt1_vs_asn
## Comparing analyses 4/6: thyt0_vs_noasn
## Comparing analyses 5/6: thyt1_vs_noasn
## Comparing analyses 6/6: thyt1_vs_thyt0

## That is part of the difference, but not all of it
## (note that the low end of the color-spectrum is now a rho of 0.6 rather than 0.5)
## I have a suspicion that the way I am including batch in DESeq's model is either incorrect or can be changed.
initial_result <- combine_de_tables(low_de, annot_df=short_annotations_hsc5, excel="excel/initial_fitness.xlsx")
## Deleting the file excel/initial_fitness.xlsx before writing the tables.
## Writing a legend of columns.
## Printing a pca plot before/after surrogates/batch estimation.
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Working on table 1/6: noasn_vs_asn
## Working on table 2/6: thyt0_vs_asn
## Working on table 3/6: thyt1_vs_asn
## Working on table 4/6: thyt0_vs_noasn
## Working on table 5/6: thyt1_vs_noasn
## Working on table 6/6: thyt1_vs_thyt0
## Adding venn plots for noasn_vs_asn.
## Limma expression coefficients for noasn_vs_asn; R^2: 0.974; equation: y = 0.987x + 0.103
## Edger expression coefficients for noasn_vs_asn; R^2: 0.974; equation: y = 0.935x + 0.655
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for noasn_vs_asn; R^2: 0.974; equation: y = 0.935x + 0.803
## Adding venn plots for thyt0_vs_asn.
## Limma expression coefficients for thyt0_vs_asn; R^2: 0.984; equation: y = 0.987x + 0.105
## Edger expression coefficients for thyt0_vs_asn; R^2: 0.983; equation: y = 0.973x + 0.258
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for thyt0_vs_asn; R^2: 0.983; equation: y = 0.973x + 0.339
## Adding venn plots for thyt1_vs_asn.
## Limma expression coefficients for thyt1_vs_asn; R^2: 0.983; equation: y = 0.993x + 0.0572
## Edger expression coefficients for thyt1_vs_asn; R^2: 0.982; equation: y = 0.949x + 0.688
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for thyt1_vs_asn; R^2: 0.983; equation: y = 0.949x + 0.627
## Adding venn plots for thyt0_vs_noasn.
## Limma expression coefficients for thyt0_vs_noasn; R^2: 0.971; equation: y = 0.968x + 0.273
## Edger expression coefficients for thyt0_vs_noasn; R^2: 0.97; equation: y = 1.01x - 0.128
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for thyt0_vs_noasn; R^2: 0.97; equation: y = 1.01x - 0.139
## Adding venn plots for thyt1_vs_noasn.
## Limma expression coefficients for thyt1_vs_noasn; R^2: 0.969; equation: y = 0.972x + 0.248
## Edger expression coefficients for thyt1_vs_noasn; R^2: 0.969; equation: y = 0.981x + 0.263
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for thyt1_vs_noasn; R^2: 0.969; equation: y = 0.979x + 0.269
## Adding venn plots for thyt1_vs_thyt0.
## Limma expression coefficients for thyt1_vs_thyt0; R^2: 0.988; equation: y = 1x - 0.0225
## Edger expression coefficients for thyt1_vs_thyt0; R^2: 0.987; equation: y = 0.965x + 0.475
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for thyt1_vs_thyt0; R^2: 0.987; equation: y = 0.965x + 0.429
## Writing summary information.
## Attempting to add the comparison plot to pairwise_summary at row: 24 and column: 1
  |                                                                                |   0%
  |=============                                                                   |  17%
  |===========================                                                     |  33%
  |========================================                                        |  50%
  |=====================================================                           |  67%
  |===================================================================             |  83%
  |================================================================================| 100%
## Performing save of the workbook.

6.1 Dval

The following from Miriam: The CDS Dval is calculated by dividing the number of hits in each gene by the number of TAs. I guess plotting it against length might be interesting?

dval_hsc5 <- convert_counts(hsc5_expt, convert="cp_seq_m",
## Using pattern: TA instead of length for an rpkm-ish normalization.
## Trying attempt: rtracklayer::import.gff3(gff, sequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo=TRUE)
## Trying attempt: rtracklayer::import.gff3(gff, sequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo=FALSE)
## Had a successful gff import with rtracklayer::import.gff3(gff, sequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo=FALSE)
## Returning a df with 15 columns and 1812 rows.
dval_df <- as.data.frame(dval_hsc5$count_table)
dval_df$median <- log2(matrixStats::rowMedians(as.matrix(dval_df)) + 1)
dval_df = merge(dval_df, gene_lengths, by="row.names")
dval_df$median_vs_width = dval_df$median / dval_df$width
rownames(dval_df) <- dval_df$ID
keepers <- list(
    "asn_vs_noasn" = c("asn","noasn"),
    "t1_vs_t0" = c("thyt1","thyt0")
initial_result <- combine_de_tables(low_de,
## Deleting the file excel/initial_fitness.xlsx before writing the tables.
## Writing a legend of columns.
## Printing a pca plot before/after surrogates/batch estimation.
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Working on 1/2: asn_vs_noasn
## Found inverse table with noasn_vs_asn
## Working on 2/2: t1_vs_t0
## Found table with thyt1_vs_thyt0
## Adding venn plots for asn_vs_noasn.
## Limma expression coefficients for asn_vs_noasn; R^2: 0.974; equation: y = 0.987x + 0.103
## Edger expression coefficients for asn_vs_noasn; R^2: 0.974; equation: y = 0.935x + 0.655
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for asn_vs_noasn; R^2: 0.974; equation: y = 0.935x + 0.803
## Adding venn plots for thyt1_vs_thyt0.
## Limma expression coefficients for thyt1_vs_thyt0; R^2: 0.988; equation: y = 0.98x + 0.177
## Edger expression coefficients for thyt1_vs_thyt0; R^2: 0.987; equation: y = 1.02x - 0.22
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for thyt1_vs_thyt0; R^2: 0.987; equation: y = 1.02x - 0.195
## Writing summary information.
## Attempting to add the comparison plot to pairwise_summary at row: 20 and column: 1
  |                                                                                |   0%
  |========================================                                        |  50%
  |================================================================================| 100%
## Performing save of the workbook.
dval_width = dval_df[,c("width","median")]

scatter <- plot_linear_scatter(dval_width)
## Used Bon Ferroni corrected t test(s) between columns.

density = as.matrix(Biobase::exprs(hsc5_expt$expressionset))
density_df = as.data.frame(density)
density_df$median = log2(matrixStats::rowMedians(as.matrix(density)) + 1)
density_df = merge(density_df, gene_lengths, by="row.names")
density_df = density_df[,c("width","median")]
scatter <- plot_linear_scatter(density_df)
## Used Bon Ferroni corrected t test(s) between columns.

xlsx_writer <- hpgltools::write_xls(dval_df, sheet="dval")
openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb=xlsx_writer$workbook, file="excel/dval.xlsx", overwrite=TRUE)

7 View a distribution from essentiality

While Yoann is here lets do a quick histogram and see if essentiality metrics make sense As we go from m1 -> m16, the sensitivity of the essentiality tool decreases and a larger number of spurious 0’s occurs.

## Testing to see if some parameters are better than others
run2_thyt0_m1 <- read.csv("essentiality/mh_ess/run2/05v1M1l20gen_thyt0_genome.bam_essentiality_m1.csv", comment.char="#", header=FALSE, sep="\t")
colnames(run2_thyt0_m1) <- c("ORF","k","n","r","s","zbar","call")
plot_histogram(run2_thyt0_m1$zbar) +
  ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, 6)) +
  ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 1))
## Warning: Removed 95 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).
## Warning: Removed 95 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (geom_bar).

run2_thyt0_m2 <- read.csv("essentiality/mh_ess/run2/05v1M1l20gen_thyt0_genome.bam_essentiality_m2.csv", comment.char="#", header=FALSE, sep="\t")
colnames(run2_thyt0_m2) <- c("ORF","k","n","r","s","zbar","call")
plot_histogram(run2_thyt0_m2$zbar) +
  ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, 6)) +
  ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 1))
## Warning: Removed 95 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).
## Warning: Removed 95 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (geom_bar).

run2_thyt0_m4 <- read.csv("essentiality/mh_ess/run2/05v1M1l20gen_thyt0_genome.bam_essentiality_m4.csv", comment.char="#", header=FALSE, sep="\t")
colnames(run2_thyt0_m4) <- c("ORF","k","n","r","s","zbar","call")
plot_histogram(run2_thyt0_m4$zbar) +
  ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, 6)) +
  ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 1))
## Warning: Removed 95 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).
## Warning: Removed 95 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (geom_bar).

## This is not good
run2_thyt0_m16 <- read.csv("essentiality/mh_ess/run2/05v1M1l20gen_thyt0_genome.bam_essentiality_m16.csv", comment.char="#", header=FALSE, sep="\t")
colnames(run2_thyt0_m16) <- c("ORF","k","n","r","s","zbar","call")
plot_histogram(run2_thyt0_m16$zbar) +
  ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, 6)) +
  ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 1))
## Warning: Removed 95 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).
## Warning: Removed 95 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_bar).

8 Single replicate analyses

Now that there is a second usable replicate, the following material is no longer valid But I hate deleting stuff

norm_data = exprs(norm_hsc5$expressionset)
thyt0_vs_thyt1 = norm_data[,c("HPGL0596","HPGL0597")]
noasp_vs_asp = norm_data[,c("HPGL0599","HPGL0598")]
noasp_vs_t0 = norm_data[,c("HPGL0599","HPGL0596")]
asp_vs_t0 = norm_data[,c("HPGL0598","HPGL0596")]

thy = hpgl_linear_scatter(df=thyt0_vs_thyt1, loess=TRUE, identity=TRUE)

asp = hpgl_linear_scatter(df=noasp_vs_asp, loess=TRUE, identity=TRUE)

aspt0 = hpgl_linear_scatter(df=noasp_vs_t0, loess=TRUE, identity=TRUE)

noasp = hpgl_linear_scatter(df=noasp_vs_t0, loess=TRUE, identity=TRUE)

8.1 Count TAs

tas_thyt0 = tnseq_saturation("essentiality/mh_ess/tas_05v0M1l20gen_thyt0_genome.bam.txt")
tas_thyt1 = tnseq_saturation("essentiality/mh_ess/tas_05v0M1l20gen_thyt1_genome.bam.txt")
tas_asp = tnseq_saturation("essentiality/mh_ess/tas_05v0M1l20gen_asp_genome.bam.txt")
tas_noasp = tnseq_saturation("essentiality/mh_ess/tas_05v0M1l20gen_noasp_genome.bam.txt")

tas_thyt0v1 = tnseq_saturation("essentiality/mh_ess/tas_05v1M1l20gen_thyt0_genome.bam.txt")
tas_thyt1v1 = tnseq_saturation("essentiality/mh_ess/tas_05v1M1l20gen_thyt1_genome.bam.txt")
tas_aspv1 = tnseq_saturation("essentiality/mh_ess/tas_05v1M1l20gen_asp_genome.bam.txt")
tas_noaspv1 = tnseq_saturation("essentiality/mh_ess/tas_05v1M1l20gen_noasp_genome.bam.txt")

8.2 Some circos goodness

Lets make a right quick plot of the library densities

merged = merge(gene_annotations_hsc5, norm_data, by="row.names")
rownames(merged) = merged$Row.names

hsc5_cfg = hpgltools:::circos_prefix('hsc5')
hsc5_kary = hpgltools:::circos_karyotype(name='hsc5', fasta="reference/mgas_hsc5.fasta")
go_table = annotation_hsc5_info
go_table = go_table[,c("start","end","strand")]
go_table$go = ""
hsc5_plus_minus = hpgltools:::circos_plus_minus(go_table, cfgout=hsc5_cfg)
hsc5_thyt0 = hpgltools:::circos_hist(merged, cfgout=hsc5_cfg, colname="HPGL0596", outer=hsc5_plus_minus, fill_color="black", color="black")
hsc5_thyt1 = hpgltools:::circos_hist(merged, cfgout=hsc5_cfg, colname="HPGL0597", outer=hsc5_thyt0, fill_color="blue", color="black")
hsc5_noasp = hpgltools:::circos_hist(merged, cfgout=hsc5_cfg, colname="HPGL0599", outer=hsc5_thyt1, fill_color="green", color="black")
hsc5_asp = hpgltools:::circos_hist(merged, cfgout=hsc5_cfg, colname="HPGL0598", outer=hsc5_noasp, fill_color="red", color="black")
if (!isTRUE(get0("skip_load"))) {
  message(paste0("This is hpgltools commit: ", get_git_commit()))
  this_save <- paste0(gsub(pattern="\\.Rmd", replace="", x=rmd_file), "-v", ver, ".rda.xz")
  message(paste0("Saving to ", this_save))
  tmp <- sm(saveme(filename=this_save))
## If you wish to reproduce this exact build of hpgltools, invoke the following:
## > git clone http://github.com/abelew/hpgltools.git
## > git reset 2a0661d6e37f8a3d8831eb3bbd6347c0d9c4b3b7
## R> packrat::restore()
## This is hpgltools commit: Thu Mar 29 16:59:07 2018 -0400: 2a0661d6e37f8a3d8831eb3bbd6347c0d9c4b3b7
## Saving to index-v20180329.rda.xz