This document will first explore differentially expressed genes in humans 4 hours after infection followed by the same question in mice.

1 Which genes are DE in human macrophages at 4 hours upon infection with L. major?

2 Gather annotation data

I want to perform a series of comparisons among the host cells: human and mouse. Thus I need to collect annotation data for both species and get the set of orthologs between them.

2.1 Start with the human annotation data

In the following block, I download the human annotations from biomart. In addition, I take a moment to recreate the transcript IDs as observed in the salmon count tables (yes, I know they are not actually count tables). Finally, I create a table which maps transcripts to genes, this will be used when we generate the expressionset so that we get gene expression levels from transcripts via the R package ‘tximport’.

hs_annot <- load_biomart_annotations()$annotation
## The biomart annotations file already exists, loading from it.
rownames(hs_annot) <- make.names(
  paste0(hs_annot[["ensembl_transcript_id"]], ".",
hs_tx_gene <- hs_annot[, c("ensembl_gene_id", "ensembl_transcript_id")]
hs_tx_gene[["id"]] <- rownames(hs_tx_gene)
hs_tx_gene <- hs_tx_gene[, c("id", "ensembl_gene_id")]
new_hs_annot <- hs_annot
rownames(new_hs_annot) <- make.names(hs_annot[["ensembl_gene_id"]], unique=TRUE)

2.2 Generate expressionsets

The question is reasonably self-contained. I want to compare the uninfected human samples against any samples which were infected for 4 hours. So let us first pull those samples and then poke at them a bit.

The following block creates an expressionset using all human-quantified samples. As mentioned previously, it uses the table of transcript<->gene mappings, and the biomart annotations.

Given this set of ~440 samples, it then drops the following:

  1. All samples marked ‘skipped’.
  2. All samples which are not from time ‘t4h’.

and resets the condition and batch factors to the ‘infection state’ metadatum and ‘study’, respectively.

3 20190426 TODOs from meeting

  1. We changed the infect_state metadata to be only yes/no and not bead. Thefeore we want to change the set_expt_conditions() and set_expt_batches() functions to handle the resulting changes of potential column usage.
sample_sheet <- "sample_sheets/leishmania_host_metasheet_20190426.xlsx"
hs_expt <- create_expt(sample_sheet,
## Reading the sample metadata.
## Dropped 2 rows from the sample metadata because they were blank.
## The sample definitions comprises: 437 rows(samples) and 55 columns(metadata fields).
## Reading count tables.
## Using the transcript to gene mapping.
## Reading salmon data with tximport.
## Finished reading count data.
## Warning in create_expt(sample_sheet, savefile = "Hs_M0Lm4h.rda", file_column =
## "hsapiensfile", : Some samples were removed when cross referencing the samples
## against the count data.
## Matched 16933 annotations and counts.
## Bringing together the count matrix and gene information.
## The mapped IDs are not the rownames of your gene information, changing them now.
## Some annotations were lost in merging, setting them to 'undefined'.
## The final expressionset has 16933 rows and 267 columns.
hs_expt_noskipped <- subset_expt(hs_expt, subset="skipped!='yes'")
## Using a subset expression.
## There were 267, now there are 247 samples.
hs_t4h_expt <- subset_expt(hs_expt_noskipped, subset="expttime=='t4h'")
## Using a subset expression.
## There were 247, now there are 64 samples.
hs_t4h_expt <- set_expt_conditions(hs_t4h_expt, fact="infectstate")
hs_t4h_expt <- set_expt_batches(hs_t4h_expt, fact="study")
##   no stim  yes 
##   18   35   11
## lps-timecourse       m-gm-csf           mbio 
##              8             39             17
hs_written <- write_expt(hs_t4h_expt, excel="excel/HsM0Lm4h_expt.xlsx")
## Deleting the file excel/HsM0Lm4h_expt.xlsx before writing the tables.
## Writing the first sheet, containing a legend and some summary data.
## Writing the raw reads.
## Graphing the raw reads.
## Warning: ggrepel: 27 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
## Warning: ggrepel: 35 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 5 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 53 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 1 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 41 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 54 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Attempting mixed linear model with: ~  condition + batch
## Fitting the expressionset to the model, this is slow.
## Loading required package: Matrix
## Total:101 s
## Placing factor: condition at the beginning of the model.
## Writing the normalized reads.
## Graphing the normalized reads.
## Warning: ggrepel: 30 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
## Warning: ggrepel: 37 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 33 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Attempting mixed linear model with: ~  condition + batch
## Fitting the expressionset to the model, this is slow.
## Total:73 s
## Placing factor: condition at the beginning of the model.
## Writing the median reads by factor.

3.1 Examine t4h vs uninfected

Let us perform some generic metrics of the t4h human expressionset. As per usual, I plot the metrics first of the raw data; followed by the same metrics of log2(quantile(cpm(sva(filtered(data))))).

hs_t4h_plots <- sm(graph_metrics(hs_t4h_expt))
hs_t4h_norm <- normalize_expt(hs_t4h_expt, norm="quant", convert="cpm",
                              transform="log2", filter=TRUE, batch="svaseq")
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## log2(svaseq(cpm(quant(cbcb(data)))))
## It will save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Warning in normalize_expt(hs_t4h_expt, norm = "quant", convert = "cpm", :
## Quantile normalization and sva do not always play well together.
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: cbcb
## Removing 6178 low-count genes (10755 remaining).
## Step 2: normalizing the data with quant.
## Step 3: converting the data with cpm.
## The method is: svaseq.
## Step 4: doing batch correction with svaseq.
## Using the current state of normalization.
## Passing the data to all_adjusters using the svaseq estimate type.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 567379 entries are x>1: 82%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 34944 entries are x==0: 5%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 85997 entries are 0<x<1: 12%.
## The be method chose 12 surrogate variables.
## Attempting svaseq estimation with 12 surrogates.
## There are 10791 (2%) elements which are < 0 after batch correction.
## Setting low elements to zero.
## Step 4: transforming the data with log2.
## transform_counts: Found 10791 values equal to 0, adding 1 to the matrix.
hs_t4h_norm_plots <- sm(graph_metrics(hs_t4h_norm))

3.2 Remove stimulated samples

I perhaps should have removed the stimulated samples sooner, but I was curious to see their effect on the distribution first.

hs_t4h_inf <- subset_expt(hs_t4h_expt, subset="condition!='stim'")
## Using a subset expression.
## There were 64, now there are 29 samples.
hs_t4h_inf <- subset_expt(hs_t4h_inf, subset="batch!='lps-timecourse'")
## Using a subset expression.
## There were 29, now there are 26 samples.
hs_t4h_inf_norm <- normalize_expt(hs_t4h_inf, transform="log2", convert="cpm",
                                  filter=TRUE, batch="svaseq")
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## log2(svaseq(cpm(cbcb(data))))
## It will save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Leaving the data unnormalized.  This is necessary for DESeq, but
##  EdgeR/limma might benefit from normalization.  Good choices include quantile,
##  size-factor, tmm, etc.
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: cbcb
## Removing 6868 low-count genes (10065 remaining).
## Step 2: not normalizing the data.
## Step 3: converting the data with cpm.
## The method is: svaseq.
## Step 4: doing batch correction with svaseq.
## Using the current state of normalization.
## Passing the data to all_adjusters using the svaseq estimate type.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 228379 entries are x>1: 87%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 10707 entries are x==0: 4%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 22604 entries are 0<x<1: 9%.
## The be method chose 6 surrogate variables.
## Attempting svaseq estimation with 6 surrogates.
## There are 2743 (1%) elements which are < 0 after batch correction.
## Setting low elements to zero.
## Step 4: transforming the data with log2.
## transform_counts: Found 2743 values equal to 0, adding 1 to the matrix.
hs_t4h_pca <- plot_pca(hs_t4h_inf_norm, plot_title="H. sapiens, L. major, t4h")
## Warning: ggrepel: 5 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps

keepers <- list("infection" = c("yes", "no"))
hs_t4h_de <- all_pairwise(hs_t4h_inf, model_batch="svaseq", filter=TRUE, force=TRUE)
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 247395 entries are x>1: 95%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 10707 entries are x==0: 4%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 2154 entries are 0<x<1: 1%.
## The be method chose 5 surrogate variables.
## Attempting svaseq estimation with 5 surrogates.
## Plotting a PCA before surrogate/batch inclusion.
## Not putting labels on the PC plot.
## Using svaseq to visualize before/after batch inclusion.
## Performing a test normalization with: raw
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## log2(svaseq(cpm(cbcb(data))))
## It will save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Leaving the data unnormalized.  This is necessary for DESeq, but
##  EdgeR/limma might benefit from normalization.  Good choices include quantile,
##  size-factor, tmm, etc.
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: cbcb
## Removing 0 low-count genes (10065 remaining).
## Step 2: not normalizing the data.
## Step 3: converting the data with cpm.
## The method is: svaseq.
## Step 4: doing batch correction with svaseq.
## Using the current state of normalization.
## Passing the data to all_adjusters using the svaseq estimate type.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 228379 entries are x>1: 87%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 10707 entries are x==0: 4%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 22604 entries are 0<x<1: 9%.
## The be method chose 6 surrogate variables.
## Attempting svaseq estimation with 6 surrogates.
## There are 2743 (1%) elements which are < 0 after batch correction.
## Setting low elements to zero.
## Step 4: transforming the data with log2.
## transform_counts: Found 2743 values equal to 0, adding 1 to the matrix.
## Not putting labels on the PC plot.
## Finished running DE analyses, collecting outputs.
## Comparing analyses.

3.2.1 Write results

hs_t4h_table <- combine_de_tables(hs_t4h_de, keepers=keepers,
## Writing a legend of columns.
## Printing a pca plot before/after surrogates/batch estimation.
## Working on 1/1: infection which is: yes/no.
## Found table with yes_vs_no
## Adding venn plots for infection.
## Limma expression coefficients for infection; R^2: 0.97; equation: y = 0.974x + 0.123
## Deseq expression coefficients for infection; R^2: 0.966; equation: y = 0.95x + 0.349
## Edger expression coefficients for infection; R^2: 0.966; equation: y = 0.951x + 0.461
## Writing summary information, compare_plot is: TRUE.
## Performing save of excel/HsM0Lm4h_de_tables.xlsx.
hs_t4h_sig <- sm(extract_significant_genes(hs_t4h_table, excel="excel/HsM0Lm4h_sig_tables.xlsx"))

4 Which genes are DE in mouse macrophages at 4 hours upon infection with L. major?

Most of this should be the same in process as what was performed for the human.

4.1 Gather annotation data

I want to perform a series of comparisons among the host cells: human and mouse. Thus I need to collect annotation data for both species and get the set of orthologs between them.

4.1.1 Start with the human annotation data

mm_annot <- load_biomart_annotations(species="mmusculus")$annotation
## The biomart annotations file already exists, loading from it.
rownames(mm_annot) <- make.names(
  paste0(mm_annot[["ensembl_transcript_id"]], ".",
mm_tx_gene <- mm_annot[, c("ensembl_gene_id", "ensembl_transcript_id")]
mm_tx_gene[["id"]] <- rownames(mm_tx_gene)
mm_tx_gene <- mm_tx_gene[, c("id", "ensembl_gene_id")]
new_mm_annot <- mm_annot
rownames(new_mm_annot) <- make.names(mm_annot[["ensembl_gene_id"]], unique=TRUE)

4.2 Generate expressionsets

The question is reasonably self-contained. I want to compare the uninfected human samples against any samples which were infected for 4 hours. So let us first pull those samples and then poke at them a bit.

mm_expt <- create_expt(sample_sheet,
## Reading the sample metadata.
## Dropped 2 rows from the sample metadata because they were blank.
## The sample definitions comprises: 437 rows(samples) and 55 columns(metadata fields).
## Reading count tables.
## Using the transcript to gene mapping.
## Reading salmon data with tximport.
## Finished reading count data.
## Warning in create_expt(sample_sheet, file_column = "mmusculusfile", gene_info
## = new_mm_annot, : Some samples were removed when cross referencing the samples
## against the count data.
## Matched 19660 annotations and counts.
## Bringing together the count matrix and gene information.
## The mapped IDs are not the rownames of your gene information, changing them now.
## Some annotations were lost in merging, setting them to 'undefined'.
## Saving the expressionset to 'expt.rda'.
## The final expressionset has 19660 rows and 105 columns.
mm_t4h_expt <- subset_expt(mm_expt, subset="expttime=='t4h'")
## Using a subset expression.
## There were 105, now there are 41 samples.
mm_t4h_expt <- set_expt_conditions(mm_t4h_expt, fact="infectstate")
##   no stim  yes 
##   11   24    6
## undefined 
##        41
mm_written <- write_expt(mm_t4h_expt, excel="excel/MmM0Lm4h_expt.xlsx")
## Deleting the file excel/MmM0Lm4h_expt.xlsx before writing the tables.
## Writing the first sheet, containing a legend and some summary data.
## Writing the raw reads.
## Graphing the raw reads.
## Warning: ggrepel: 26 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 4 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
## Warning: ggrepel: 25 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 7 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 23 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 6 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 3 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 7 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## varpart sees only 1 batch, adjusting the model accordingly.
## Attempting mixed linear model with: ~  condition
## Fitting the expressionset to the model, this is slow.
## Error in if (ncol(exprObj) != nrow(data)) { : argument is of length zero
## A couple of common errors:
## An error like 'vtv downdated' may be because there are too many 0s, filter the data and rerun.
## An error like 'number of levels of each grouping factor must be < number of observations' means
## that the factor used is not appropriate for the analysis - it really only works for factors
## which are shared among multiple samples.
## Retrying with only condition in the model.
## Total:91 s
## Placing factor: condition at the beginning of the model.
## Writing the normalized reads.
## Graphing the normalized reads.
## Warning: ggrepel: 19 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 3 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
## Warning: ggrepel: 11 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 8 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## varpart sees only 1 batch, adjusting the model accordingly.
## Attempting mixed linear model with: ~  condition
## Fitting the expressionset to the model, this is slow.
## Error in if (ncol(exprObj) != nrow(data)) { : argument is of length zero
## A couple of common errors:
## An error like 'vtv downdated' may be because there are too many 0s, filter the data and rerun.
## An error like 'number of levels of each grouping factor must be < number of observations' means
## that the factor used is not appropriate for the analysis - it really only works for factors
## which are shared among multiple samples.
## Retrying with only condition in the model.
## Total:63 s
## Placing factor: condition at the beginning of the model.
## Writing the median reads by factor.

4.3 Examine t4h vs uninfected

mm_t4h_plots <- sm(graph_metrics(mm_t4h_expt))
mm_t4h_norm <- normalize_expt(mm_t4h_expt, norm="quant", convert="cpm",
                              transform="log2", filter=TRUE, batch="svaseq")
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## log2(svaseq(cpm(quant(cbcb(data)))))
## It will save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Warning in normalize_expt(mm_t4h_expt, norm = "quant", convert = "cpm", :
## Quantile normalization and sva do not always play well together.
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: cbcb
## Removing 9350 low-count genes (10310 remaining).
## Step 2: normalizing the data with quant.
## Step 3: converting the data with cpm.
## The method is: svaseq.
## Step 4: doing batch correction with svaseq.
## Using the current state of normalization.
## Passing the data to all_adjusters using the svaseq estimate type.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 390851 entries are x>1: 92%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 38 entries are x==0: 0%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 31821 entries are 0<x<1: 8%.
## The be method chose 7 surrogate variables.
## Attempting svaseq estimation with 7 surrogates.
## There are 1390 (0%) elements which are < 0 after batch correction.
## Setting low elements to zero.
## Step 4: transforming the data with log2.
## transform_counts: Found 1390 values equal to 0, adding 1 to the matrix.
mm_t4h_norm_plots <- sm(graph_metrics(mm_t4h_norm))

4.3.2 Remove stimulated samples

mm_t4h_nostim <- subset_expt(mm_t4h_expt, subset="condition!='stim'")
## Using a subset expression.
## There were 41, now there are 17 samples.
mm_t4h_nostim_norm <- sm(normalize_expt(mm_t4h_nostim, filter=TRUE,
                                        norm="quant", convert="cpm",
                                        transform="log2", batch="svaseq"))
mm_t4h_nostim_pca <- plot_pca(mm_t4h_nostim_norm)

4.4 Perform de analyses

mm_t4h_inf_norm <- normalize_expt(mm_t4h_expt, transform="log2", convert="cpm",
                                  filter=TRUE, batch="svaseq")
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## log2(svaseq(cpm(cbcb(data))))
## It will save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Leaving the data unnormalized.  This is necessary for DESeq, but
##  EdgeR/limma might benefit from normalization.  Good choices include quantile,
##  size-factor, tmm, etc.
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: cbcb
## Removing 9350 low-count genes (10310 remaining).
## Step 2: not normalizing the data.
## Step 3: converting the data with cpm.
## The method is: svaseq.
## Step 4: doing batch correction with svaseq.
## Using the current state of normalization.
## Passing the data to all_adjusters using the svaseq estimate type.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 385615 entries are x>1: 91%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 3253 entries are x==0: 1%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 33842 entries are 0<x<1: 8%.
## The be method chose 7 surrogate variables.
## Attempting svaseq estimation with 7 surrogates.
## There are 1637 (0%) elements which are < 0 after batch correction.
## Setting low elements to zero.
## Step 4: transforming the data with log2.
## transform_counts: Found 1637 values equal to 0, adding 1 to the matrix.
mm_t4h_pca <- plot_pca(mm_t4h_inf_norm, plot_title="M. musculus, L. major, t4h")
## Warning: ggrepel: 3 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps

mm_t4h_nostim_filt <- normalize_expt(mm_t4h_nostim, filter=TRUE)
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## cbcb(data)
## It will save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Leaving the data in its current base format, keep in mind that
##  some metrics are easier to see when the data is log2 transformed, but
##  EdgeR/DESeq do not accept transformed data.
## Leaving the data unconverted.  It is often advisable to cpm/rpkm
##  the data to normalize for sampling differences, keep in mind though that rpkm
##  has some annoying biases, and voom() by default does a cpm (though hpgl_voom()
##  will try to detect this).
## Leaving the data unnormalized.  This is necessary for DESeq, but
##  EdgeR/limma might benefit from normalization.  Good choices include quantile,
##  size-factor, tmm, etc.
## Not correcting the count-data for batch effects.  If batch is
##  included in EdgerR/limma's model, then this is probably wise; but in extreme
##  batch effects this is a good parameter to play with.
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: cbcb
## Removing 9679 low-count genes (9981 remaining).
## Step 2: not normalizing the data.
## Step 3: not converting the data.
## The method is: raw.
## Step 4: not doing batch correction.
## Step 4: not transforming the data.
mm_t4h_de <- all_pairwise(mm_t4h_nostim_filt, model_batch="svaseq", force=TRUE)
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 168728 entries are x>1: 99%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 571 entries are x==0: 0%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 110 entries are 0<x<1: 0%.
## The be method chose 2 surrogate variables.
## Attempting svaseq estimation with 2 surrogates.
## Plotting a PCA before surrogate/batch inclusion.
## Not putting labels on the PC plot.
## Using svaseq to visualize before/after batch inclusion.
## Performing a test normalization with: raw
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## log2(svaseq(cpm(cbcb(data))))
## It will save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Leaving the data unnormalized.  This is necessary for DESeq, but
##  EdgeR/limma might benefit from normalization.  Good choices include quantile,
##  size-factor, tmm, etc.
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: cbcb
## Removing 0 low-count genes (9981 remaining).
## Step 2: not normalizing the data.
## Step 3: converting the data with cpm.
## The method is: svaseq.
## Step 4: doing batch correction with svaseq.
## Using the current state of normalization.
## Passing the data to all_adjusters using the svaseq estimate type.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 163054 entries are x>1: 96%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 571 entries are x==0: 0%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 6052 entries are 0<x<1: 4%.
## The be method chose 4 surrogate variables.
## Attempting svaseq estimation with 4 surrogates.
## There are 241 (0%) elements which are < 0 after batch correction.
## Setting low elements to zero.
## Step 4: transforming the data with log2.
## transform_counts: Found 241 values equal to 0, adding 1 to the matrix.
## Not putting labels on the PC plot.
## Finished running DE analyses, collecting outputs.
## Comparing analyses.

4.5 Compare this to the previous result.

Let us see if our human differential expression result is similar to that obtained in Table S2.

I downloaded the supplementary tables from the paper. I believe #5 is the one we want to compare against. The metric of fold change was weirdly encoded in the table, it was written as a positive and negative fold change, which to me is like trying to print out sqrt(-4) without using i.

previous_hs <- readxl::read_excel("excel/inline-supplementary-material-5.xls", sheet=2)
previous_hs_lfc <- previous_hs[, c("ID", "Fold change")]

## The following addresses the way the fold changes were written.
## and puts them back on the log scale.
neg_idx <- previous_hs_lfc[[2]] < 0
previous_hs_lfc[neg_idx, 2] <- -1 * (1 / previous_hs_lfc[neg_idx, 2])
previous_hs_lfc[[2]] <- log2(previous_hs_lfc[[2]])

merged <- merge(previous_hs_lfc, hs_t4h_table$data[[1]], by.x="ID", by.y="row.names")
cor.test(merged[["limma_logfc"]], merged[["Fold change"]])
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  merged[["limma_logfc"]] and merged[["Fold change"]]
## t = 62, df = 4200, p-value <2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.6746 0.7063
## sample estimates:
##    cor 
## 0.6908

4.6 Compare the previous mouse and these mouse results.

previous_mm <- readxl::read_excel("excel/12864_2015_2237_MOESM3_ESM.xls", sheet=2, skip=1)
previous_mm_lfc <- previous_mm[, c("ID", "Fold change")]
neg_idx <- previous_mm_lfc[[2]] < 0
previous_mm_lfc[neg_idx, 2] <- -1 * (1 / previous_mm_lfc[neg_idx, 2])
previous_mm_lfc[[2]] <- log2(previous_mm_lfc[[2]])

merged <- merge(previous_mm_lfc, mm_t4h_table$data[[1]], by.x="ID", by.y="row.names")
cor.test(merged[["limma_logfc"]], merged[["Fold change"]])
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  merged[["limma_logfc"]] and merged[["Fold change"]]
## t = 216, df = 5655, p-value <2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.9417 0.9473
## sample estimates:
##    cor 
## 0.9445
plot_linear_scatter(merged[, c("limma_logfc", "Fold change")])$scatter

5 What genes are shared in the mouse and human data?

This is one method of addressing Najibs big question #1c. In this method, I am taking the tables for the human analysis and mouse analysis separately, then merging them using a table of orthologs.

Side note: a different way of addressing this question resides in 20190220_host_comparisons.Rmd. In this competing method, the table of orthologs is used in the beginning to make a single set of IDs for the human and mouse genes, then perform the differential expression analysis.

5.1 Extract human mouse orthologs

My load_biomart_orthologs() function should provide this mapping gene ID table.

## The defaults of this function are suitable for mouse/human queries.
mm_hs_ortho <- load_biomart_orthologs()$all_linked_genes

mm_table <- mm_t4h_table$data[[1]]
hs_table <- hs_t4h_table$data[[1]]

mm_table <- merge(mm_hs_ortho, mm_table, by.x="mmusculus", by.y="row.names", all.y=TRUE)
hs_table <- merge(mm_hs_ortho, hs_table, by.x="hsapiens", by.y="row.names", all.y=TRUE)
both_table_hs <- merge(hs_table, mm_table, by.x="hsapiens", by.y="hsapiens")
both_table_mm <- merge(hs_table, mm_table, by.x="mmusculus", by.y="mmusculus")

cor.test(both_table_hs[["limma_logfc.x"]], both_table_hs[["limma_logfc.y"]])
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  both_table_hs[["limma_logfc.x"]] and both_table_hs[["limma_logfc.y"]]
## t = 15, df = 11683, p-value <2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.1226 0.1582
## sample estimates:
##    cor 
## 0.1404
cor.test(both_table_mm[["limma_logfc.x"]], both_table_mm[["limma_logfc.y"]])
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  both_table_mm[["limma_logfc.x"]] and both_table_mm[["limma_logfc.y"]]
## t = 14, df = 19471, p-value <2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.0860 0.1138
## sample estimates:
##     cor 
## 0.09992
tt <- plot_scatter(both_table_hs[, c("limma_logfc.x", "limma_logfc.y")])
tt +
  ggplot2::ylim(c(-5, 10)) +
  ggplot2::xlim(c(-5, 10))

I believe these both_table_hs and both_table_mm tables are good candidates for the set of genes which are shared across the human and mouse samples, from the perspective of the human and mouse, respectively.

Now lets write some of these out.

shared_hsmm_up_idx <- both_table_hs[["deseq_logfc.x"]] > 1 &
  both_table_hs[["deseq_logfc.y"]] > 1 &
  both_table_hs[["deseq_adjp.x"]] <= 0.05 &
  both_table_hs[["deseq_adjp.y"]] <= 0.05
shared_hsmm_up <- both_table_hs[shared_hsmm_up_idx, ]
written <- write_xls(data=shared_hsmm_up,
## Error in write_xls(data = shared_hsmm_up, excel = "excel/HsM0Lm4h_vs_MmM0Lm4h_shared_up_hs.xlsx"): could not find function "write_xls"
shared_mmhs_up_idx <- both_table_mm[["deseq_logfc.x"]] > 1 &
  both_table_mm[["deseq_logfc.y"]] > 1 &
  both_table_mm[["deseq_adjp.x"]] <= 0.05 &
  both_table_mm[["deseq_adjp.y"]] <= 0.05
shared_mmhs_up <- both_table_mm[shared_mmhs_up_idx, ]
written <- write_xls(data=shared_mmhs_up,
## Error in write_xls(data = shared_mmhs_up, excel = "excel/HsM0Lm4h_vs_MmM0Lm4h_shared_up_mm.xlsx"): could not find function "write_xls"
shared_hsmm_down_idx <- both_table_hs[["deseq_logfc.x"]] < -1 &
  both_table_hs[["deseq_logfc.y"]] < -1 &
  both_table_hs[["deseq_adjp.x"]] <= 0.05 &
  both_table_hs[["deseq_adjp.y"]] <= 0.05
shared_hsmm_down <- both_table_hs[shared_hsmm_down_idx, ]
written <- write_xls(data=shared_hsmm_down,
## Error in write_xls(data = shared_hsmm_down, excel = "excel/HsM0Lm4h_vs_MmM0Lm4h_shared_down_hs.xlsx"): could not find function "write_xls"
shared_mmhs_down_idx <- both_table_mm[["deseq_logfc.x"]] < -1 &
  both_table_mm[["deseq_logfc.y"]] < -1 &
  both_table_mm[["deseq_adjp.x"]] <= 0.05 &
  both_table_mm[["deseq_adjp.y"]] <= 0.05
shared_mmhs_down <- both_table_mm[shared_mmhs_down_idx, ]
written <- write_xls(data=shared_mmhs_down,
## Error in write_xls(data = shared_mmhs_down, excel = "excel/HsM0Lm4h_vs_MmM0Lm4h_shared_down_mm.xlsx"): could not find function "write_xls"

5.2 Compare the above with Table S7 from the Laura and Cecilia paper.

Table S7 has a set of genes from human which are also up-regulated in mouse upon infection.

fig_s7_up <- readxl::read_excel("excel/inline-supplementary-material-7.xls", sheet=3)
fig_s7_hs_up <- unique(fig_s7_up[[5]])

fig_s7_down <- readxl::read_excel("excel/inline-supplementary-material-7.xls", sheet=4)
fig_s7_hs_down <- unique(fig_s7_down[[5]])

both_up_idx <- both_table_hs[["limma_logfc.x"]] >= 0.8 &
  both_table_hs[["limma_logfc.y"]] >= 0.8 &
  both_table_hs[["limma_adjp.x"]] <= 0.1 &
  both_table_hs[["limma_adjp.y"]] <= 0.1
both_up_ids <- both_table_hs[both_up_idx, "hsapiens"]
up_venn <- Vennerable::Venn(Sets=list("figs7" = fig_s7_hs_up, "tables" = both_up_ids))

both_down_idx <- both_table_hs[["limma_logfc.x"]] <= -0.8 &
  both_table_hs[["limma_logfc.y"]] <= -0.8 &
  both_table_hs[["limma_adjp.x"]] <= 0.1 &
  both_table_hs[["limma_adjp.y"]] <= 0.1
both_down_ids <- both_table_hs[both_down_idx, "hsapiens"]
down_venn <- Vennerable::Venn(Sets=list("figs7" = fig_s7_hs_down, "tables" = both_down_ids))

6 Next question: Which 4 hour genes are shared with CIDEIM?

“Which 4 hour DE genes are shared with the CIDEIM panamensis infected human macrophages?”

So, once again there are two ways of approaching this question:

  1. Examine the question of infected vs. uninfected for the two data sets separately. Then query the results and see what comes out.
  2. Examine this as a single question using the union of both data sets.

Since I already have a putative answer for the human 4 hour macrophage data, The simplest method is to just look at the cideim data and do #1 above. So let us do that first.

6.1 Merge separate tables first

In this iteration, I will merge the existing human 4 hour result with the result of a DE analysis of all of the CIDEIM samples and see how they compare.

cideim_macr <- subset_expt(hs_expt, subset="lab=='tmrc'&hostcelltype=='macrophage'")
## Using a subset expression.
## There were 267, now there are 23 samples.
cideim_macr <- set_expt_conditions(cideim_macr, fact="infectstate")
cideim_norm <- normalize_expt(cideim_macr, transform="log2", convert="cpm",
                              norm="quant", filter="simple", batch="svaseq")
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## log2(svaseq(cpm(quant(simple(data)))))
## It will save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Warning in normalize_expt(cideim_macr, transform = "log2", convert = "cpm", :
## Quantile normalization and sva do not always play well together.
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: simple
## Removing 2179 low-count genes (14754 remaining).
## Step 2: normalizing the data with quant.
## Step 3: converting the data with cpm.
## The method is: svaseq.
## Step 4: doing batch correction with svaseq.
## Using the current state of normalization.
## Passing the data to all_adjusters using the svaseq estimate type.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 223935 entries are x>1: 66%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 52145 entries are x==0: 15%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 63262 entries are 0<x<1: 19%.
## The be method chose 4 surrogate variables.
## Attempting svaseq estimation with 4 surrogates.
## There are 18432 (5%) elements which are < 0 after batch correction.
## Setting low elements to zero.
## Step 4: transforming the data with log2.
## transform_counts: Found 18432 values equal to 0, adding 1 to the matrix.
## Warning: ggrepel: 3 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
cideim_macr_filt <- normalize_expt(cideim_macr, filter=TRUE)
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## cbcb(data)
## It will save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Leaving the data in its current base format, keep in mind that
##  some metrics are easier to see when the data is log2 transformed, but
##  EdgeR/DESeq do not accept transformed data.
## Leaving the data unconverted.  It is often advisable to cpm/rpkm
##  the data to normalize for sampling differences, keep in mind though that rpkm
##  has some annoying biases, and voom() by default does a cpm (though hpgl_voom()
##  will try to detect this).
## Leaving the data unnormalized.  This is necessary for DESeq, but
##  EdgeR/limma might benefit from normalization.  Good choices include quantile,
##  size-factor, tmm, etc.
## Not correcting the count-data for batch effects.  If batch is
##  included in EdgerR/limma's model, then this is probably wise; but in extreme
##  batch effects this is a good parameter to play with.
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: cbcb
## Removing 6380 low-count genes (10553 remaining).
## Step 2: not normalizing the data.
## Step 3: not converting the data.
## The method is: raw.
## Step 4: not doing batch correction.
## Step 4: not transforming the data.
cideim_de <- all_pairwise(cideim_macr_filt, parallel=FALSE, force=TRUE,
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 232547 entries are x>1: 96%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 7532 entries are x==0: 3%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 1739 entries are 0<x<1: 1%.
## The be method chose 3 surrogate variables.
## Attempting svaseq estimation with 3 surrogates.
## Plotting a PCA before surrogate/batch inclusion.
## Not putting labels on the PC plot.
## Using svaseq to visualize before/after batch inclusion.
## Performing a test normalization with: raw
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## log2(svaseq(cpm(cbcb(data))))
## It will save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Leaving the data unnormalized.  This is necessary for DESeq, but
##  EdgeR/limma might benefit from normalization.  Good choices include quantile,
##  size-factor, tmm, etc.
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: cbcb
## Removing 0 low-count genes (10553 remaining).
## Step 2: not normalizing the data.
## Step 3: converting the data with cpm.
## The method is: svaseq.
## Step 4: doing batch correction with svaseq.
## Using the current state of normalization.
## Passing the data to all_adjusters using the svaseq estimate type.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 217113 entries are x>1: 89%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 7532 entries are x==0: 3%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 18074 entries are 0<x<1: 7%.
## The be method chose 4 surrogate variables.
## Attempting svaseq estimation with 4 surrogates.
## There are 1971 (1%) elements which are < 0 after batch correction.
## Setting low elements to zero.
## Step 4: transforming the data with log2.
## transform_counts: Found 1971 values equal to 0, adding 1 to the matrix.
## Not putting labels on the PC plot.
## Starting basic_pairwise().
## Starting basic pairwise comparison.
## Leaving the data alone, regardless of normalization state.
## Basic step 0/3: Transforming data.
## Basic step 1/3: Creating mean and variance tables.
## Basic step 2/3: Performing 3 comparisons.
## Basic step 3/3: Creating faux DE Tables.
## Basic: Returning tables.
## Starting deseq_pairwise().
## Starting DESeq2 pairwise comparisons.
## About to round the data, this is a pretty terrible thing to do. But if you, like me, want to see what happens when you put non-standard data into deseq, then here you go.
## Warning in choose_binom_dataset(input, force = force): This data was
## inappropriately forced into integers.
## Including batch estimates from sva/ruv/pca in the model.
## Choosing the non-intercept containing model.
## DESeq2 step 1/5: Including a matrix of batch estimates in the deseq model.
## converting counts to integer mode
## DESeq2 step 2/5: Estimate size factors.
## DESeq2 step 3/5: Estimate dispersions.
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## Using a parametric fitting seems to have worked.
## DESeq2 step 4/5: nbinomWaldTest.
## Starting ebseq_pairwise().
## About to round the data, this is a pretty terrible thing to do. But if you, like me, want to see what happens when you put non-standard data into deseq, then here you go.
## Warning in choose_binom_dataset(input, force = force): This data was
## inappropriately forced into integers.
## Starting EBSeq pairwise subset.
## Choosing the non-intercept containing model.
## Starting EBTest of no vs. yes.
## Forcing out NA values by putting in the mean of all data.
## Copying ppee values as ajusted p-values until I figure out how to deal with them.
## Starting edger_pairwise().
## Starting edgeR pairwise comparisons.
## About to round the data, this is a pretty terrible thing to do. But if you, like me, want to see what happens when you put non-standard data into deseq, then here you go.
## Warning in choose_binom_dataset(input, force = force): This data was
## inappropriately forced into integers.
## Including batch estimates from sva/ruv/pca in the model.
## Choosing the non-intercept containing model.
## EdgeR step 1/9: Importing and normalizing data.
## EdgeR step 2/9: Estimating the common dispersion.
## EdgeR step 3/9: Estimating dispersion across genes.
## EdgeR step 4/9: Estimating GLM Common dispersion.
## EdgeR step 5/9: Estimating GLM Trended dispersion.
## EdgeR step 6/9: Estimating GLM Tagged dispersion.
## EdgeR step 7/9: Running glmFit, switch to glmQLFit by changing the argument 'edger_test'.
## EdgeR step 8/9: Making pairwise contrasts.
## Starting limma_pairwise().
## Starting limma pairwise comparison.
## Leaving the data alone, regardless of normalization state.
## libsize was not specified, this parameter has profound effects on limma's result.
## Using the libsize from expt$best_libsize.
## Limma step 1/6: choosing model.
## Including batch estimates from sva/ruv/pca in the model.
## Choosing the non-intercept containing model.
## Limma step 2/6: running limma::voom(), switch with the argument 'which_voom'.
## Using normalize.method = quantile for voom.
## Limma step 3/6: running lmFit with method: ls.
## Limma step 4/6: making and fitting contrasts with no intercept. (~ 0 + factors)
## Limma step 5/6: Running eBayes with robust = FALSE and trend = FALSE.
## Limma step 6/6: Writing limma outputs.
## Limma step 6/6: 1/1: Creating table: yes_vs_no.  Adjust = BH
## Limma step 6/6: 1/2: Creating table: no.  Adjust = BH
## Limma step 6/6: 2/2: Creating table: yes.  Adjust = BH
## Comparing analyses.
cideim_table <- combine_de_tables(cideim_de, keepers=keepers,
## Writing a legend of columns.
## Printing a pca plot before/after surrogates/batch estimation.
## Working on 1/1: infection which is: yes/no.
## Found table with yes_vs_no
## Adding venn plots for infection.
## Limma expression coefficients for infection; R^2: 0.983; equation: y = 0.985x + 0.0654
## Deseq expression coefficients for infection; R^2: 0.982; equation: y = 0.981x + 0.138
## Edger expression coefficients for infection; R^2: 0.982; equation: y = 0.982x + 0.189
## Writing summary information, compare_plot is: TRUE.
## Performing save of excel/HsM0Lm4h_vs_HsM0Lp_cideim_only_table.xlsx.
cideim_merged <- merge(hs_t4h_table$data[[1]], cideim_table$data[[1]], by="row.names")
cor.test(cideim_merged[["deseq_logfc.x"]], cideim_merged[["deseq_logfc.y"]])
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  cideim_merged[["deseq_logfc.x"]] and cideim_merged[["deseq_logfc.y"]]
## t = 11, df = 9647, p-value <2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.08923 0.12866
## sample estimates:
##   cor 
## 0.109
plot_scatter(cideim_merged[, c("limma_logfc.x", "limma_logfc.y")]) +
  ggplot2::xlim(c(-5, 10)) +
  ggplot2::ylim(c(-5, 10))
cideim_sig <- sm(extract_significant_genes(cideim_table,

6.2 Try again as one big expressionset

hs_expt_noskipped <- subset_expt(hs_expt, subset="skipped!='yes'")
## Using a subset expression.
## There were 267, now there are 247 samples.
hs_t4h_expt <- subset_expt(hs_expt_noskipped, subset="expttime=='t4h'")
## Using a subset expression.
## There were 247, now there are 64 samples.
hs_t4h_expt <- set_expt_conditions(hs_t4h_expt, fact="infectstate")
hs_t4h_expt <- subset_expt(hs_t4h_expt, subset="infectstate!='stim'")
## Using a subset expression.
## There were 64, now there are 29 samples.
hs_t4h_expt <- subset_expt(hs_t4h_expt, subset="infectstate!='bead'")
## Using a subset expression.
## There were 29, now there are 29 samples.
cideim_t4h <- subset_expt(
## Using a subset expression.
## There were 267, now there are 87 samples.
cideim_t4h <- set_expt_conditions(cideim_t4h, fact="infectstate")

cideim_t4h_norm <- normalize_expt(cideim_t4h, filter=TRUE, norm="quant",
                                  convert="cpm", transform="log2")
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## log2(cpm(quant(cbcb(data))))
## It will save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Not correcting the count-data for batch effects.  If batch is
##  included in EdgerR/limma's model, then this is probably wise; but in extreme
##  batch effects this is a good parameter to play with.
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: cbcb
## Removing 5584 low-count genes (11349 remaining).
## Step 2: normalizing the data with quant.
## Step 3: converting the data with cpm.
## The method is: raw.
## Step 4: not doing batch correction.
## Step 4: transforming the data with log2.
## transform_counts: Found 18874 values equal to 0, adding 1 to the matrix.
## Warning: ggrepel: 62 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps

cideim_t4h_normbatch <- normalize_expt(cideim_t4h, filter=TRUE, norm="quant",
                                       convert="cpm", batch="svaseq", transform="log2")
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## log2(svaseq(cpm(quant(cbcb(data)))))
## It will save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Warning in normalize_expt(cideim_t4h, filter = TRUE, norm = "quant", convert =
## "cpm", : Quantile normalization and sva do not always play well together.
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: cbcb
## Removing 5584 low-count genes (11349 remaining).
## Step 2: normalizing the data with quant.
## Step 3: converting the data with cpm.
## The method is: svaseq.
## Step 4: doing batch correction with svaseq.
## Using the current state of normalization.
## Passing the data to all_adjusters using the svaseq estimate type.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 796300 entries are x>1: 81%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 18874 entries are x==0: 2%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 172189 entries are 0<x<1: 17%.
## The be method chose 13 surrogate variables.
## Attempting svaseq estimation with 13 surrogates.
## There are 16798 (2%) elements which are < 0 after batch correction.
## Setting low elements to zero.
## Step 4: transforming the data with log2.
## transform_counts: Found 16798 values equal to 0, adding 1 to the matrix.
## Warning: ggrepel: 36 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps

cideim_t4h_de <- sm(all_pairwise(cideim_t4h, model_batch="svaseq",
                                 filter=TRUE, force=TRUE, parallel=FALSE))

cideim_t4h_tables <- sm(combine_de_tables(cideim_t4h_de, keepers=keepers,

cideim_t4h_sig <- sm(extract_significant_genes(cideim_t4h_tables,

7 Next, overlap between macrophages and neutrophils

All of the neutrophil data is in mouse, apparently. This will make it more difficult, perhaps impossible to get an accurate answer.

So instead, look at infection vs. uninfected in mouse and then compare to the earliest Sacks’ timepoints in neutrophils.

subset <- "(hostcelltype=='PMN'&host=='mus_musculus'&expttime=='t12h') |
neut_macr_mus <- subset_expt(mm_expt, subset=subset)
## Using a subset expression.
## There were 105, now there are 80 samples.
neut_macr_mus <- subset_expt(neut_macr_mus, subset="infectstate!='stim'")
## Using a subset expression.
## There were 80, now there are 56 samples.
neut_macr_mus <- set_expt_conditions(neut_macr_mus, fact="infectstate")
neut_macr_mus <- set_expt_batches(neut_macr_mus, fact="hostcelltype")
neut_macr_mus_norm <- normalize_expt(neut_macr_mus, convert="cpm",
                                     norm="quant", filter=TRUE)
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## cpm(quant(cbcb(data)))
## It will save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Leaving the data in its current base format, keep in mind that
##  some metrics are easier to see when the data is log2 transformed, but
##  EdgeR/DESeq do not accept transformed data.
## Not correcting the count-data for batch effects.  If batch is
##  included in EdgerR/limma's model, then this is probably wise; but in extreme
##  batch effects this is a good parameter to play with.
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: cbcb
## Removing 0 low-count genes (19660 remaining).
## Step 2: normalizing the data with quant.
## Step 3: converting the data with cpm.
## The method is: raw.
## Step 4: not doing batch correction.
## Step 4: not transforming the data.
## Warning: ggrepel: 31 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
neut_macr_mus_normbatch <- normalize_expt(neut_macr_mus, convert="cpm",
                                          norm="quant", filter=TRUE, batch="svaseq")
## This function will replace the expt$expressionset slot with:
## svaseq(cpm(quant(cbcb(data))))
## It will save copies of each step along the way
##  in expt$normalized with the corresponding libsizes. Keep libsizes in mind
##  when invoking limma.  The appropriate libsize is non-log(cpm(normalized)).
##  This is most likely kept at:
##  'new_expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsizes'
##  A copy of this may also be found at:
##  new_expt$best_libsize
## Leaving the data in its current base format, keep in mind that
##  some metrics are easier to see when the data is log2 transformed, but
##  EdgeR/DESeq do not accept transformed data.
## Warning in normalize_expt(neut_macr_mus, convert = "cpm", norm = "quant", :
## Quantile normalization and sva do not always play well together.
## Step 1: performing count filter with option: cbcb
## Removing 0 low-count genes (19660 remaining).
## Step 2: normalizing the data with quant.
## Step 3: converting the data with cpm.
## The method is: svaseq.
## Step 4: doing batch correction with svaseq.
## Using the current state of normalization.
## Passing the data to all_adjusters using the svaseq estimate type.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 515332 entries are x>1: 47%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 323375 entries are x==0: 29%.
## batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, 262253 entries are 0<x<1: 24%.
## The be method chose 10 surrogate variables.
## Attempting svaseq estimation with 10 surrogates.
## There are 30709 (3%) elements which are < 0 after batch correction.
## Setting low elements to zero.
## Step 4: not transforming the data.
## Warning: ggrepel: 22 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
neut_macr_mus_filt <- sm(normalize_expt(neut_macr_mus, filter="simple"))
neut_macr_mus_de <- sm(all_pairwise(
  neut_macr_mus_filt, parallel=FALSE,
  force=TRUE, model_batch="svaseq"))
neut_macr_mus_table <- sm(combine_de_tables(
  neut_macr_mus_de, keepers=keepers,
neut_macr_mus_sig <- sm(extract_significant_genes(

I think this handles questions a through e?


R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)

Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)


attached base packages: splines, parallel, stats, graphics, grDevices, utils, datasets, methods and base

other attached packages: edgeR(v.3.32.1), ruv(v., lme4(v.1.1-26), Matrix(v.1.3-2), BiocParallel(v.1.24.1), variancePartition(v.1.20.0), hpgltools(v.1.0), testthat(v.3.0.2), R6(v.2.5.0), Biobase(v.2.50.0) and BiocGenerics(v.0.36.0)

loaded via a namespace (and not attached): rappdirs(v.0.3.3), rtracklayer(v.1.50.0), R.methodsS3(v.1.8.1), tidyr(v.1.1.2), ggplot2(v.3.3.3), bit64(v.4.0.5), knitr(v.1.31), DelayedArray(v.0.16.1), R.utils(v.2.10.1), data.table(v.1.14.0), RCurl(v.1.98-1.2), doParallel(v.1.0.16), generics(v.0.1.0), GenomicFeatures(v.1.42.1), preprocessCore(v.1.52.1), callr(v.3.5.1), cowplot(v.1.1.1), usethis(v.2.0.1), RSQLite(v.2.2.3), shadowtext(v.0.0.7), bit(v.4.0.4), enrichplot(v.1.10.2), xml2(v.1.3.2), SummarizedExperiment(v.1.20.0), assertthat(v.0.2.1), viridis(v.0.5.1), xfun(v.0.21), tximport(v.1.18.0), hms(v.1.0.0), jquerylib(v.0.1.3), evaluate(v.0.14), IHW(v.1.18.0), DEoptimR(v.1.0-8), progress(v.1.2.2), caTools(v.1.18.1), dbplyr(v.2.1.0), readxl(v.1.3.1), igraph(v.1.2.6), DBI(v.1.1.1), geneplotter(v.1.68.0), htmlwidgets(v.1.5.3), stats4(v.4.0.3), purrr(v.0.3.4), ellipsis(v.0.3.1), crosstalk(v.1.1.1), dplyr(v.1.0.4), backports(v.1.2.1), annotate(v.1.68.0), biomaRt(v.2.46.3), MatrixGenerics(v.1.2.1), blockmodeling(v.1.0.0), vctrs(v.0.3.6), remotes(v.2.2.0), cachem(v.1.0.4), withr(v.2.4.1), ggforce(v.0.3.2), robustbase(v.0.93-7), GenomicAlignments(v.1.26.0), fdrtool(v.1.2.16), prettyunits(v.1.1.1), DOSE(v.3.16.0), lazyeval(v.0.2.2), crayon(v.1.4.1), genefilter(v.1.72.1), pkgconfig(v.2.0.3), slam(v.0.1-48), labeling(v.0.4.2), tweenr(v.1.0.1), GenomeInfoDb(v.1.26.2), nlme(v.3.1-152), pkgload(v.1.1.0), devtools(v.2.3.2), rlang(v.0.4.10), lifecycle(v.1.0.0), downloader(v.0.4), BiocFileCache(v.1.14.0), directlabels(v.2021.1.13), cellranger(v.1.1.0), rprojroot(v.2.0.2), polyclip(v.1.10-0), matrixStats(v.0.58.0), graph(v.1.68.0), lpsymphony(v.1.18.0), boot(v.1.3-27), processx(v.3.4.5), viridisLite(v.0.3.0), bitops(v.1.0-6), R.oo(v.1.24.0), KernSmooth(v.2.23-18), pander(v.0.6.3), Biostrings(v.2.58.0), EBSeq(v.1.30.0), blob(v.1.2.1), stringr(v.1.4.0), qvalue(v.2.22.0), readr(v.1.4.0), S4Vectors(v.0.28.1), scales(v.1.1.1), memoise(v.2.0.0), magrittr(v.2.0.1), plyr(v.1.8.6), gplots(v.3.1.1), zlibbioc(v.1.36.0), compiler(v.4.0.3), scatterpie(v.0.1.5), RColorBrewer(v.1.1-2), DESeq2(v.1.30.0), Rsamtools(v.2.6.0), cli(v.2.3.0), XVector(v.0.30.0), ps(v.1.5.0), MASS(v.7.3-53.1), mgcv(v.1.8-34), tidyselect(v.1.1.0), stringi(v.1.5.3), highr(v.0.8), yaml(v.2.2.1), GOSemSim(v.2.16.1), askpass(v.1.1), locfit(v.1.5-9.4), ggrepel(v.0.9.1), grid(v.4.0.3), sass(v.0.3.1), fastmatch(v.1.1-0), tools(v.4.0.3), rstudioapi(v.0.13), foreach(v.1.5.1), gridExtra(v.2.3), farver(v.2.0.3), Rtsne(v.0.15), ggraph(v.2.0.4), digest(v.0.6.27), rvcheck(v.0.1.8), BiocManager(v.1.30.10), quadprog(v.1.5-8), Rcpp(v.1.0.6), GenomicRanges(v.1.42.0), broom(v.0.7.4), httr(v.1.4.2), AnnotationDbi(v.1.52.0), colorspace(v.2.0-0), XML(v.3.99-0.5), fs(v.1.5.0), IRanges(v.2.24.1), RBGL(v.1.66.0), statmod(v.1.4.35), PROPER(v.1.22.0), graphlayouts(v.0.7.1), plotly(v.4.9.3), sessioninfo(v.1.1.1), xtable(v.1.8-4), jsonlite(v.1.7.2), nloptr(v., tidygraph(v.1.2.0), corpcor(v.1.6.9), Vennerable(v., pillar(v.1.4.7), htmltools(v., glue(v.1.4.2), fastmap(v.1.1.0), minqa(v.1.2.4), clusterProfiler(v.3.18.1), codetools(v.0.2-18), fgsea(v.1.16.0), pkgbuild(v.1.2.0), lattice(v.0.20-41), bslib(v.0.2.4), tibble(v.3.0.6), sva(v.3.38.0), pbkrtest(v.0.5-0.1), curl(v.4.3), colorRamps(v.2.3), gtools(v.3.8.2), zip(v.2.1.1), GO.db(v.3.12.1), openxlsx(v.4.2.3), openssl(v.1.4.3), survival(v.3.2-7), limma(v.3.46.0), rmarkdown(v.2.7), desc(v.1.2.0), munsell(v.0.5.0), DO.db(v.2.9), fastcluster(v.1.1.25), GenomeInfoDbData(v.1.2.4), iterators(v.1.0.13), reshape2(v.1.4.4) and gtable(v.0.3.0)

message("This is hpgltools commit: ", get_git_commit())
## If you wish to reproduce this exact build of hpgltools, invoke the following:
## > git clone
## > git reset 7219ed2313bbb619d4c80d25632cc1142bf79fdd
## This is hpgltools commit: Mon Feb 22 13:29:16 2021 -0500: 7219ed2313bbb619d4c80d25632cc1142bf79fdd
## message(paste0("Saving to ", savefile))
## tmp <- sm(saveme(filename=savefile))