1 Differential Expression: 20171019

2 Differential expression analyses

It appears that it is possible though somewhat difficult to apply batch estimations generated by sva to the model given to DESeq/EdgeR/limma. In the case of limma it is fairly simple, but in the other two it is a bit more difficult. There is a nice discussion of this at: https://www.biostars.org/p/156186/ I am attempting to apply that logic to this data with limited success.

pa_de <- all_pairwise(input=pa_expt, model_batch=FALSE, limma_method="robust")
## Assuming no batch in model for testing pca.
## Finished running DE analyses, collecting outputs.
## Comparing analyses 1/15: mt_st_vs_mt_ex
## Comparing analyses 2/15: mt_undef_vs_mt_ex
## Comparing analyses 3/15: wt_ex_vs_mt_ex
## Comparing analyses 4/15: wt_st_vs_mt_ex
## Comparing analyses 5/15: wt_undef_vs_mt_ex
## Comparing analyses 6/15: mt_undef_vs_mt_st
## Comparing analyses 7/15: wt_ex_vs_mt_st
## Comparing analyses 8/15: wt_st_vs_mt_st
## Comparing analyses 9/15: wt_undef_vs_mt_st
## Comparing analyses 10/15: wt_ex_vs_mt_undef
## Comparing analyses 11/15: wt_st_vs_mt_undef
## Comparing analyses 12/15: wt_undef_vs_mt_undef
## Comparing analyses 13/15: wt_st_vs_wt_ex
## Comparing analyses 14/15: wt_undef_vs_wt_ex
## Comparing analyses 15/15: wt_undef_vs_wt_st
pa_tables <- combine_de_tables(pa_de,
                               excel=paste0("excel/pa_nobatch-v", ver, ".xlsx"))
## Deleting the file excel/pa_nobatch-v20171019.xlsx before writing the tables.
## Writing a legend of columns.
## Printing a pca plot before/after surrogates/batch estimation.
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Too few points to calculate an ellipse
## Working on table 1/15: mt_st_vs_mt_ex
## Working on table 2/15: mt_undef_vs_mt_ex
## Working on table 3/15: wt_ex_vs_mt_ex
## Working on table 4/15: wt_st_vs_mt_ex
## Working on table 5/15: wt_undef_vs_mt_ex
## Working on table 6/15: mt_undef_vs_mt_st
## Working on table 7/15: wt_ex_vs_mt_st
## Working on table 8/15: wt_st_vs_mt_st
## Working on table 9/15: wt_undef_vs_mt_st
## Working on table 10/15: wt_ex_vs_mt_undef
## Working on table 11/15: wt_st_vs_mt_undef
## Working on table 12/15: wt_undef_vs_mt_undef
## Working on table 13/15: wt_st_vs_wt_ex
## Working on table 14/15: wt_undef_vs_wt_ex
## Working on table 15/15: wt_undef_vs_wt_st
## Adding venn plots for mt_st_vs_mt_ex.
## Limma expression coefficients for mt_st_vs_mt_ex; R^2: 0.914; equation: y = 0.96x + 0.289
## Edger expression coefficients for mt_st_vs_mt_ex; R^2: 0.911; equation: y = 1.07x - 0.561
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for mt_st_vs_mt_ex; R^2: 0.909; equation: y = 1.08x - 0.615
## Adding venn plots for mt_undef_vs_mt_ex.
## Limma expression coefficients for mt_undef_vs_mt_ex; R^2: 0.914; equation: y = 0.951x + 0.248
## Edger expression coefficients for mt_undef_vs_mt_ex; R^2: 0.92; equation: y = 1.08x - 0.667
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for mt_undef_vs_mt_ex; R^2: 0.919; equation: y = 1.08x - 0.709
## Adding venn plots for wt_ex_vs_mt_ex.
## Limma expression coefficients for wt_ex_vs_mt_ex; R^2: 0.943; equation: y = 0.975x + 0.133
## Edger expression coefficients for wt_ex_vs_mt_ex; R^2: 0.946; equation: y = 1.06x - 0.518
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for wt_ex_vs_mt_ex; R^2: 0.944; equation: y = 1.07x - 0.565
## Adding venn plots for wt_st_vs_mt_ex.
## Limma expression coefficients for wt_st_vs_mt_ex; R^2: 0.649; equation: y = 0.817x + 1.02
## Edger expression coefficients for wt_st_vs_mt_ex; R^2: 0.649; equation: y = 0.982x + 0.0713
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for wt_st_vs_mt_ex; R^2: 0.638; equation: y = 0.981x + 0.0143
## Adding venn plots for wt_undef_vs_mt_ex.
## Limma expression coefficients for wt_undef_vs_mt_ex; R^2: 0.915; equation: y = 0.956x + 0.232
## Edger expression coefficients for wt_undef_vs_mt_ex; R^2: 0.913; equation: y = 0.985x + 0.0641
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for wt_undef_vs_mt_ex; R^2: 0.91; equation: y = 0.985x + 0.0338
## Adding venn plots for mt_undef_vs_mt_st.
## Limma expression coefficients for mt_undef_vs_mt_st; R^2: 0.842; equation: y = 0.912x + 0.363
## Edger expression coefficients for mt_undef_vs_mt_st; R^2: 0.853; equation: y = 0.924x + 0.516
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for mt_undef_vs_mt_st; R^2: 0.848; equation: y = 0.92x + 0.588
## Adding venn plots for wt_ex_vs_mt_st.
## Limma expression coefficients for wt_ex_vs_mt_st; R^2: 0.881; equation: y = 0.941x + 0.237
## Edger expression coefficients for wt_ex_vs_mt_st; R^2: 0.887; equation: y = 0.923x + 0.569
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for wt_ex_vs_mt_st; R^2: 0.882; equation: y = 0.919x + 0.633
## Adding venn plots for wt_st_vs_mt_st.
## Limma expression coefficients for wt_st_vs_mt_st; R^2: 0.796; equation: y = 0.903x + 0.55
## Edger expression coefficients for wt_st_vs_mt_st; R^2: 0.795; equation: y = 0.968x + 0.23
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for wt_st_vs_mt_st; R^2: 0.786; equation: y = 0.965x + 0.21
## Adding venn plots for wt_undef_vs_mt_st.
## Limma expression coefficients for wt_undef_vs_mt_st; R^2: 0.862; equation: y = 0.925x + 0.323
## Edger expression coefficients for wt_undef_vs_mt_st; R^2: 0.863; equation: y = 0.851x + 1.12
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for wt_undef_vs_mt_st; R^2: 0.859; equation: y = 0.846x + 1.19
## Adding venn plots for wt_ex_vs_mt_undef.
## Limma expression coefficients for wt_ex_vs_mt_undef; R^2: 0.882; equation: y = 0.946x + 0.26
## Edger expression coefficients for wt_ex_vs_mt_undef; R^2: 0.899; equation: y = 0.93x + 0.56
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for wt_ex_vs_mt_undef; R^2: 0.896; equation: y = 0.927x + 0.584
## Adding venn plots for wt_st_vs_mt_undef.
## Limma expression coefficients for wt_st_vs_mt_undef; R^2: 0.606; equation: y = 0.786x + 1.13
## Edger expression coefficients for wt_st_vs_mt_undef; R^2: 0.619; equation: y = 0.85x + 1.14
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for wt_st_vs_mt_undef; R^2: 0.604; equation: y = 0.842x + 1.17
## Adding venn plots for wt_undef_vs_mt_undef.
## Limma expression coefficients for wt_undef_vs_mt_undef; R^2: 0.947; equation: y = 0.97x + 0.152
## Edger expression coefficients for wt_undef_vs_mt_undef; R^2: 0.952; equation: y = 0.889x + 0.875
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for wt_undef_vs_mt_undef; R^2: 0.951; equation: y = 0.887x + 0.879
## Adding venn plots for wt_st_vs_wt_ex.
## Limma expression coefficients for wt_st_vs_wt_ex; R^2: 0.662; equation: y = 0.821x + 0.975
## Edger expression coefficients for wt_st_vs_wt_ex; R^2: 0.679; equation: y = 0.909x + 0.664
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for wt_st_vs_wt_ex; R^2: 0.666; equation: y = 0.903x + 0.667
## Adding venn plots for wt_undef_vs_wt_ex.
## Limma expression coefficients for wt_undef_vs_wt_ex; R^2: 0.925; equation: y = 0.955x + 0.263
## Edger expression coefficients for wt_undef_vs_wt_ex; R^2: 0.929; equation: y = 0.906x + 0.723
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for wt_undef_vs_wt_ex; R^2: 0.926; equation: y = 0.902x + 0.762
## Adding venn plots for wt_undef_vs_wt_st.
## Limma expression coefficients for wt_undef_vs_wt_st; R^2: 0.655; equation: y = 0.798x + 0.88
## Edger expression coefficients for wt_undef_vs_wt_st; R^2: 0.644; equation: y = 0.672x + 2.47
## DESeq2 expression coefficients for wt_undef_vs_wt_st; R^2: 0.638; equation: y = 0.666x + 2.65
## Writing summary information.
## Attempting to add the comparison plot to pairwise_summary at row: 33 and column: 1
  |                                                                 |   0%
  |====                                                             |   7%
  |=========                                                        |  13%
  |=============                                                    |  20%
  |=================                                                |  27%
  |======================                                           |  33%
  |==========================                                       |  40%
  |==============================                                   |  47%
  |===================================                              |  53%
  |=======================================                          |  60%
  |===========================================                      |  67%
  |================================================                 |  73%
  |====================================================             |  80%
  |========================================================         |  87%
  |=============================================================    |  93%
  |=================================================================| 100%
## Performing save of the workbook.
pa_sig <- extract_significant_genes(pa_tables,
                                    excel=paste0("excel/pa_nobatch_significant-v", ver, ".xlsx"),
## Writing a legend of columns.
## Writing excel data for mt_st_vs_mt_ex: 1/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1242 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1720 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 571 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 507 genes.
## Writing excel data for mt_undef_vs_mt_ex: 2/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1493 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1494 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 438 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 597 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_ex_vs_mt_ex: 3/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1071 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1085 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 329 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 409 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_st_vs_mt_ex: 4/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1860 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 2503 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1279 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1564 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_mt_ex: 5/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1404 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1493 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 466 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 540 genes.
## Writing excel data for mt_undef_vs_mt_st: 6/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1999 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1699 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 938 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 914 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_ex_vs_mt_st: 7/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1794 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1472 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 683 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 762 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_st_vs_mt_st: 8/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1696 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 2092 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1002 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1056 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_mt_st: 9/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1837 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1633 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 826 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 798 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_ex_vs_mt_undef: 10/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1714 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1710 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 720 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 726 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_st_vs_mt_undef: 11/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 2032 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 2488 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1381 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1637 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_mt_undef: 12/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1204 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1266 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 346 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 300 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_st_vs_wt_ex: 13/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1906 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 2509 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1320 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1562 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_wt_ex: 14/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1323 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1497 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 514 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 484 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_wt_st: 15/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 2502 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1962 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1534 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1309 genes.
## Printing significant genes to the file: excel/pa_nobatch_significant-v20171019.xlsx
## 1/15: Creating significant table up_1limma_mt_st_vs_mt_ex
## 2/15: Creating significant table up_2limma_mt_undef_vs_mt_ex
## 3/15: Creating significant table up_3limma_wt_ex_vs_mt_ex
## 4/15: Creating significant table up_4limma_wt_st_vs_mt_ex
## 5/15: Creating significant table up_5limma_wt_undef_vs_mt_ex
## 6/15: Creating significant table up_6limma_mt_undef_vs_mt_st
## 7/15: Creating significant table up_7limma_wt_ex_vs_mt_st
## 8/15: Creating significant table up_8limma_wt_st_vs_mt_st
## 9/15: Creating significant table up_9limma_wt_undef_vs_mt_st
## 10/15: Creating significant table up_10limma_wt_ex_vs_mt_undef
## 11/15: Creating significant table up_11limma_wt_st_vs_mt_undef
## 12/15: Creating significant table up_12limma_wt_undef_vs_mt_undef
## The sheet name was too long for Excel, truncating it by removing vowels.
## 13/15: Creating significant table up_13limma_wt_st_vs_wt_ex
## 14/15: Creating significant table up_14limma_wt_undef_vs_wt_ex
## 15/15: Creating significant table up_15limma_wt_undef_vs_wt_st
## Writing excel data for mt_st_vs_mt_ex: 16/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 931 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 969 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 728 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 512 genes.
## Writing excel data for mt_undef_vs_mt_ex: 17/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1001 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 834 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 670 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 498 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_ex_vs_mt_ex: 18/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 489 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 386 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 400 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 251 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_st_vs_mt_ex: 19/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1856 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1816 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1589 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1392 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_mt_ex: 20/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 922 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 867 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 611 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 530 genes.
## Writing excel data for mt_undef_vs_mt_st: 21/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1275 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1130 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 831 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 813 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_ex_vs_mt_st: 22/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 835 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 945 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 537 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 691 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_st_vs_mt_st: 23/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1265 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1310 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1013 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 887 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_mt_st: 24/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1229 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1241 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 812 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 864 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_ex_vs_mt_undef: 25/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 842 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 988 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 508 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 646 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_st_vs_mt_undef: 26/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1747 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1929 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1354 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1433 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_mt_undef: 27/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 527 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 589 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 264 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 336 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_st_vs_wt_ex: 28/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1637 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1728 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1347 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1230 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_wt_ex: 29/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 650 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 658 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 414 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 435 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_wt_st: 30/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1904 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1855 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1417 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1520 genes.
## Printing significant genes to the file: excel/pa_nobatch_significant-v20171019.xlsx
## 1/15: Creating significant table up_1edger_mt_st_vs_mt_ex
## 2/15: Creating significant table up_2edger_mt_undef_vs_mt_ex
## 3/15: Creating significant table up_3edger_wt_ex_vs_mt_ex
## 4/15: Creating significant table up_4edger_wt_st_vs_mt_ex
## 5/15: Creating significant table up_5edger_wt_undef_vs_mt_ex
## 6/15: Creating significant table up_6edger_mt_undef_vs_mt_st
## 7/15: Creating significant table up_7edger_wt_ex_vs_mt_st
## 8/15: Creating significant table up_8edger_wt_st_vs_mt_st
## 9/15: Creating significant table up_9edger_wt_undef_vs_mt_st
## 10/15: Creating significant table up_10edger_wt_ex_vs_mt_undef
## 11/15: Creating significant table up_11edger_wt_st_vs_mt_undef
## 12/15: Creating significant table up_12edger_wt_undef_vs_mt_undef
## The sheet name was too long for Excel, truncating it by removing vowels.
## 13/15: Creating significant table up_13edger_wt_st_vs_wt_ex
## 14/15: Creating significant table up_14edger_wt_undef_vs_wt_ex
## 15/15: Creating significant table up_15edger_wt_undef_vs_wt_st
## Writing excel data for mt_st_vs_mt_ex: 31/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 963 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1161 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 689 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 521 genes.
## Writing excel data for mt_undef_vs_mt_ex: 32/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 988 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1018 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 588 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 525 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_ex_vs_mt_ex: 33/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 533 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 522 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 376 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 262 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_st_vs_mt_ex: 34/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1934 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1825 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1619 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1333 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_mt_ex: 35/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1049 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 945 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 605 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 507 genes.
## Writing excel data for mt_undef_vs_mt_st: 36/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1314 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1230 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 774 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 824 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_ex_vs_mt_st: 37/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 959 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1013 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 523 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 668 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_st_vs_mt_st: 38/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1391 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1332 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1061 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 815 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_mt_st: 39/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1392 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1238 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 831 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 790 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_ex_vs_mt_undef: 40/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 971 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1034 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 523 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 584 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_st_vs_mt_undef: 41/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1854 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1855 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1443 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1294 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_mt_undef: 42/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 748 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 550 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 296 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 270 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_st_vs_wt_ex: 43/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1743 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1710 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1389 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1138 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_wt_ex: 44/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 825 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 669 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 433 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 384 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_wt_st: 45/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1954 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1906 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1372 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1520 genes.
## Printing significant genes to the file: excel/pa_nobatch_significant-v20171019.xlsx
## 1/15: Creating significant table up_1deseq_mt_st_vs_mt_ex
## 2/15: Creating significant table up_2deseq_mt_undef_vs_mt_ex
## 3/15: Creating significant table up_3deseq_wt_ex_vs_mt_ex
## 4/15: Creating significant table up_4deseq_wt_st_vs_mt_ex
## 5/15: Creating significant table up_5deseq_wt_undef_vs_mt_ex
## 6/15: Creating significant table up_6deseq_mt_undef_vs_mt_st
## 7/15: Creating significant table up_7deseq_wt_ex_vs_mt_st
## 8/15: Creating significant table up_8deseq_wt_st_vs_mt_st
## 9/15: Creating significant table up_9deseq_wt_undef_vs_mt_st
## 10/15: Creating significant table up_10deseq_wt_ex_vs_mt_undef
## 11/15: Creating significant table up_11deseq_wt_st_vs_mt_undef
## 12/15: Creating significant table up_12deseq_wt_undef_vs_mt_undef
## The sheet name was too long for Excel, truncating it by removing vowels.
## 13/15: Creating significant table up_13deseq_wt_st_vs_wt_ex
## 14/15: Creating significant table up_14deseq_wt_undef_vs_wt_ex
## 15/15: Creating significant table up_15deseq_wt_undef_vs_wt_st
## Writing excel data for mt_st_vs_mt_ex: 46/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 311 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 504 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 228 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 225 genes.
## Writing excel data for mt_undef_vs_mt_ex: 47/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 113 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 193 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 69 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 151 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_ex_vs_mt_ex: 48/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 56 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 49 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 40 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 39 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_st_vs_mt_ex: 49/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1302 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1866 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1050 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1349 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_mt_ex: 50/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 358 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 411 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 221 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 266 genes.
## Writing excel data for mt_undef_vs_mt_st: 51/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 875 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 808 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 586 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 610 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_ex_vs_mt_st: 52/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 289 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 197 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 197 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 164 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_st_vs_mt_st: 53/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1186 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1330 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 855 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 855 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_mt_st: 54/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 872 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 748 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 567 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 504 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_ex_vs_mt_undef: 55/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 159 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 89 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 125 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 61 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_st_vs_mt_undef: 56/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1545 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1874 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1239 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1467 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_mt_undef: 57/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 2 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 10 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 2 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 9 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_st_vs_wt_ex: 58/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1092 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1542 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 927 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1204 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_wt_ex: 59/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 8 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 7 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 7 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 5 genes.
## Writing excel data for wt_undef_vs_wt_st: 60/60.
## After (adj)p filter, the up genes table has 1823 genes.
## After (adj)p filter, the down genes table has 1510 genes.
## After fold change filter, the up genes table has 1336 genes.
## After fold change filter, the down genes table has 1181 genes.
## Printing significant genes to the file: excel/pa_nobatch_significant-v20171019.xlsx
## 1/15: Creating significant table up_1basic_mt_st_vs_mt_ex
## 2/15: Creating significant table up_2basic_mt_undef_vs_mt_ex
## 3/15: Creating significant table up_3basic_wt_ex_vs_mt_ex
## 4/15: Creating significant table up_4basic_wt_st_vs_mt_ex
## 5/15: Creating significant table up_5basic_wt_undef_vs_mt_ex
## 6/15: Creating significant table up_6basic_mt_undef_vs_mt_st
## 7/15: Creating significant table up_7basic_wt_ex_vs_mt_st
## 8/15: Creating significant table up_8basic_wt_st_vs_mt_st
## 9/15: Creating significant table up_9basic_wt_undef_vs_mt_st
## 10/15: Creating significant table up_10basic_wt_ex_vs_mt_undef
## 11/15: Creating significant table up_11basic_wt_st_vs_mt_undef
## 12/15: Creating significant table up_12basic_wt_undef_vs_mt_undef
## The sheet name was too long for Excel, truncating it by removing vowels.
## 13/15: Creating significant table up_13basic_wt_st_vs_wt_ex
## 14/15: Creating significant table up_14basic_wt_undef_vs_wt_ex
## 15/15: Creating significant table up_15basic_wt_undef_vs_wt_st
## Adding significance bar plots.

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)

Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)


attached base packages: stats, graphics, grDevices, utils, datasets, methods and base

other attached packages: foreach(v.1.4.4), Vennerable(v. and hpgltools(v.2018.03)

loaded via a namespace (and not attached): colorspace(v.1.3-2), rprojroot(v.1.3-2), htmlTable(v.1.12), corpcor(v.1.6.9), XVector(v.0.20.0), GenomicRanges(v.1.32.4), base64enc(v.0.1-3), rstudioapi(v.0.7), roxygen2(v.6.0.1), ggrepel(v.0.8.0), bit64(v.0.9-7), AnnotationDbi(v.1.42.1), xml2(v.1.2.0), codetools(v.0.2-15), splines(v.3.5.1), doParallel(v.1.0.11), robustbase(v.0.93-1.1), geneplotter(v.1.58.0), knitr(v.1.20), Formula(v.1.2-3), Rsamtools(v.1.32.2), annotate(v.1.58.0), cluster(v.2.0.7-1), graph(v.1.58.0), compiler(v.3.5.1), httr(v.1.3.1), backports(v.1.1.2), assertthat(v.0.2.0), Matrix(v.1.2-14), lazyeval(v.0.2.1), limma(v.3.36.2), acepack(v.1.4.1), htmltools(v.0.3.6), prettyunits(v.1.0.2), tools(v.3.5.1), bindrcpp(v.0.2.2), gtable(v.0.2.0), glue(v.1.3.0), GenomeInfoDbData(v.1.1.0), reshape2(v.1.4.3), dplyr(v.0.7.6), Rcpp(v.0.12.17), Biobase(v.2.40.0), Biostrings(v.2.48.0), preprocessCore(v.1.42.0), rtracklayer(v.1.40.3), iterators(v.1.0.10), stringr(v.1.3.1), openxlsx(v.4.1.0), gtools(v.3.8.1), devtools(v.1.13.6), XML(v.3.98-1.12), edgeR(v.3.22.3), DEoptimR(v.1.0-8), directlabels(v.2018.05.22), zlibbioc(v.1.26.0), MASS(v.7.3-50), scales(v.0.5.0), doSNOW(v.1.0.16), hms(v.0.4.2), RBGL(v.1.56.0), parallel(v.3.5.1), SummarizedExperiment(v.1.10.1), RColorBrewer(v.1.1-2), yaml(v.2.1.19), memoise(v.1.1.0), gridExtra(v.2.3), pander(v.0.6.2), ggplot2(v.3.0.0), biomaRt(v.2.36.1), rpart(v.4.1-13), latticeExtra(v.0.6-28), stringi(v.1.2.3), RSQLite(v.2.1.1), genefilter(v.1.62.0), S4Vectors(v.0.18.3), checkmate(v.1.8.5), GenomicFeatures(v.1.32.0), BiocGenerics(v.0.26.0), zip(v.1.0.0), BiocParallel(v.1.14.2), GenomeInfoDb(v.1.16.0), rlang(v.0.2.1), pkgconfig(v.2.0.1), commonmark(v.1.5), matrixStats(v.0.53.1), bitops(v.1.0-6), evaluate(v.0.11), lattice(v.0.20-35), purrr(v.0.2.5), bindr(v.0.1.1), labeling(v.0.3), GenomicAlignments(v.1.16.0), htmlwidgets(v.1.2), bit(v.1.1-14), tidyselect(v.0.2.4), plyr(v.1.8.4), magrittr(v.1.5), DESeq2(v.1.20.0), R6(v.2.2.2), snow(v.0.4-2), IRanges(v.2.14.10), Hmisc(v.4.1-1), DelayedArray(v.0.6.1), DBI(v.1.0.0), pillar(v.1.3.0), foreign(v.0.8-70), withr(v.2.1.2), survival(v.2.42-6), RCurl(v.1.95-4.11), nnet(v.7.3-12), tibble(v.1.4.2), crayon(v.1.3.4), rmarkdown(v.1.10), progress(v.1.2.0), locfit(v.1.5-9.1), grid(v.3.5.1), data.table(v.1.11.4), blob(v.1.1.1), digest(v.0.6.15), xtable(v.1.8-2), stats4(v.3.5.1), munsell(v.0.5.0) and quadprog(v.1.5-5)

message(paste0("This is hpgltools commit: ", get_git_commit()))
## If you wish to reproduce this exact build of hpgltools, invoke the following:
## > git clone http://github.com/abelew/hpgltools.git
## > git reset c730ef178f8e57bbf3819e21cf5e6cfe879e6328
## R> packrat::restore()
## This is hpgltools commit: Fri Jul 13 17:21:39 2018 -0400: c730ef178f8e57bbf3819e21cf5e6cfe879e6328
this_save <- paste0(gsub(pattern="\\.Rmd", replace="", x=rmd_file), "-v", ver, ".rda.xz")
message(paste0("Saving to ", this_save))
## Saving to 03_differential_expression_all-v20171019.rda.xz
tmp <- sm(saveme(filename=this_save))